Radhashtami Mahotsav
1975: Radhashtami Mahotsav was to be celebrated on 13th September
this time and Bhaiji's birthday function was to be celebrated on 2nd October. Respected Maharajji had reached Gorakhpur on 10th September as the ustav would start from Lalita Shashti.
Many people had been invited for Bhaiji's birthday celebrations. Shri Maharajji was the one who was supervising the function. All the visiting scholars gave their opinions on different aspects of Shri Bhaiji's life.
Whereas Shriji threw light on the devotional sentiment of Bhaiji's life which had been loaded with emotionality.
Shri Radha-Madhav
Shri Radha-Madhav Chintan
Shri Bhaiji’s emotional upsurge can be seen in the pages of his great composition 'Shri Radha-Madhav Chintan' epitomising his surging love, swinging in the realm of Shri Radha-Madhav. The objective of celebrating Shri Bhaiji's birthday is that we should try to merge our vision with that of Shri Bhaiji's vision. So that Supreme Lover Krishna and His Beloved Shri Radha who forever dwell in Shri Bhaiji's vision, begin appearing in our vision. Shri Bhaiji is nitya or eternal. The precise purpose of celebrating Bhaiji's birthday is that by conjoining our vision with his, we make Shri Radha-Madhav, our own and we too become their very own.”
Shri Radha Baba was overjoyed to hear these exulting words flowing from Shri Maharajji's mouth for Shri Bhaiji.
Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar
“Such words can only be heard from a saint's mouth, who is capable of authentically presenting the actual and inner self of Shri Poddar Maharaj before society,” raved venerable Radha
One fine day the two sages had a very extraordinary meeting near the litchi tree. Both of them were spiritually steeped in each other.
Shri Maharaji
sweetly sang this pada, 'smartu mano mam nirvadhi radham ' ( 'my heart eternally remembers Shri Radha,' in consideration of respectable Baba's desire.
'Jay Jay Priyatam'
Shri Radha Baba & Shriji Discuss Supreme Lover Krishna's Rasa
The relishing waves of the sentimental sea of these two saints drenched the selected men and women sitting there, in rasa, the flavour of Shri Radha-Krishna's
transcendental love. All of them were dumbfounded and stupefied by the rasa-laden atmosphere.
Shri Radha Baba's Giriraj Parikrama
Venerable Radha Baba's 'Giriraj parikrama' is a symbol of his realm of spiritual
emotion. When Shriji had taken part in
circumambulating Giriraj on the very first day he had beheld Lord Krishna's sweet beauty stepping out of Govind Kund after plunging into it.
The Anguish of Separation From Krishna
Similarly one fine day while circumambulating Giriraj, Shriji saw a unique beautiful maiden, anguished due to separation from dark-hued Krishna, walking on the lowlands of Giriraj with her flower like hands posited on her breasts.
Coming to
the hut after regaining normal consciousness, Shriji narrated his divine experience and raved, “ This is the actual Girirajji, veritably manifested by revered Shri Baba.”
So be it!
Shri Vrindavan
Gorakhpur Junction
As was the practice every year, revered Shri Maharajji reached Gorkahpur on 28th August, 1976 along with Ghanshyamji, Kusumji and Mangalji. Radhashtami was to be celebrated on 1st September.
“The arrival of Shriji is a matter of great good fortune for Gita Vatika. His auspicious
arrival has given great relief to me!”
exclaimed Shri Radha Baba.
Shri Maharaj ji Holding Shri Radha Baba's Hand on Radhashtami Mahotsav
The ustav of Shri Radhashtami was celebrated with
immense joyous abandon. It had been almost a month since Shriji had come to Gorakhpur. His innermost desire was to sit alone with Baba at some time and get to hear the charming talk of Braj bhava from his sacred mouth. Shri Thakurji's(Ghanshyamji) health was also recovering.
Vatika Venu
On his and his close one's urgings, spiritual communion between Shri Baba and Shriji began auspiciously and exclusively on 24th September, at Baba's residence 'Neh 41Nikunj.'These interactive meetings continued till 10th October from that day onwards. When two sweet savorous oceans, revel facing each other, how can the glory and divinity of their meetings be described in words. The fortunate people who could slightly relish this flavour were Ghanshyamji, Harivallabhji, Chopraji, Kusumji, Kamlaji, Munniji and me. A detailed description of these communions is available in Shri Bankaji's publication 'Vatika Venu.'
A sketch of these communions is being showcased here.
On 24th September, finding Shriji to be alone, Shri Radha Baba got carried away and talked about Shri Bhaiji's affection, narrating several incidents about him, thereof.
The Ocean of Mahabhava
Talking about the sadhana of Braj's saints and sects, Baba said, “ To attain the due object one may accept any guru and sect but one must conduct oneself according to the accepted tradition. Ultimately everyone has to merge into the ocean of 'Mahabhava[2]' which is the quintessence of prema. What I have achieved, has been made available to me by the natural disposition of the darling son of Nanda (Lord Krishna)
Birla Mandir
Dancing Peacock
Date:25.9.76—The talk centred on
Shri Baba's poetic composition 'Jay Jay Priyatam' began
today. Respected Baba revealed, “When I was putting up at Birla Mandir built midway between Mathura-Vrindavan, I saw a peacock dance on the roof of the
Mandir and I was inspired to compose this literary work.”
Shri Baba was going on reciting some lines and explained their meaning at times. He even told us that he had met a saint in the Birla Mandir, who had told him about Shri Mohinishyam Bankhandiji, a secret saint of Barsana.
Date 26.9.76:The instant Shri Maharajji got seated, revered Baba began reading 'Bala ki Atamkatha' (Autobiography of a Girl) from the poetic composition 'Jay Jay Priyatam' which he had begun on the previous day. Giving a brief assessment of Manjushyamaji's[i][3] svarupa[4] and bhava[5] he told us that her description is available in Gaudiya Vaishnava literature.
Date 27.9.76—Today, on an indication from Shriji,Thakur Shri Ghanshyamji put a question to Shri Baba, “How can the ability to acquire the unmanifest sole object of
adoration be developed in a natural
“A super
state of mind and senses are obtained only through divine grace. Relying solely on divine grace it leads to sadhana on its own and makes us attain the Supreme Being whom we are striving to obtain. When and how this grace will be showered on someone, can’t be bound by any particular rule but the path of grace is the one and only way,” replied Shri Baba.
only a sadhaka constantly
meditating on a great soul attain the Supreme Object (Krishna)?” Shri Maharaji intervened and kept one more question before Baba
Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabu
Baba gave the example of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and affirmed that those who had relied on divine grace surely attained the Supreme Object. Undoubtedly, a person who depends on the merciful blessing of a great soul will get the ultimate key to the Supreme Object (Lord Krishna).”
Thereafter, Shri Baba sang the following pada, 'gwalini pragatyo puran neha' which means, 'the cowherdess fully
revealed her love.'
Date 28.9.76—Ghanshyamji again raised yesterday's question.
“The only means of gaining entry into the
unmanifest realm of the Supreme Being and the Supreme Being's
unmanifest realm incarnating in
our heart is absolute dependence on God's grace,' speaking on the same topic, Shri Baba revealed.
Shri Gopi Geet
In addition, Shri Radha Baba narrated a few incidents related to his and Shri Bhaiji's lives. The effect of Shri 'Gopi Geet'[6]; the transcendental beauty of Shri Radha, the daughter of Vrishbhanu and Lord Krishna were also touched upon.
Rasa Panchdhayi
Date: 29.9.1976—Introducing a close associate to Shri Radha Baba Shriji said, “He does Naam Japa two lakh times a day and reads the 'Raas Panchadhyayi[7]' at night.
On hearing about 'Naam Japa' revered Baba was delighted.
Shri Manohar Bhaiya
“Naam Japa should be so intense that one starts relishing the divine Name and it becomes lovable,” addressing me, Baba said.
Shri Maha Tripura Sundari
Furthermore, Baba told us several experiences of his in this connection. He even told Shriji about his tantra-sadhana[8],worship of Shri Maha Tripura Sundari [9], acquisition of a secret mantra, and the identity of sentimental initiations attained by him in the realm of inner consciousness. Revealing the importance of dham nishta' [10] along with naam nishta , there was talk on the importance of music in 'Raas Panchadhyayi' and in emotional sadhana.
Singing the glories of God's grace, Baba said in the
end, “The All Merciful God takes complete care of the person who relies on him and his work is done by divine grace, without any effort. By God's or a saint's grace the sadhaka’s highest object, the Supreme Being, is easily attained. This is easily, comfortably and suitably possible for a sadhaka relying on divine grace.”
Date: 1.10.76 Praising the absence of self-gratification in Shriji Shri Baba told Shriji, “ The lack of desire for self-gratification is the means and object of Braj bhava[11], its very foundation. The realm of Braj bhava is beyond the consciousness of spiritual emotion.”
“I do not know of the shore of bhava rajya, I did not delve deeper in it from the shore. I was thrown from a helicopter into the unimaginable depth of the ocean of Mahabhava,[12]”
he added.
Expounding the importance of merging self-will with Divine will, revered Baba said,” A desireless man maintains equanimity in the face of praise or blame.”
Shri Radha Baba & Bhaiji
He even spoke about some incidents which had taken place in Shri Bhaiji's and his life.
Date: 2.10.76—Describing glories of the Divine Name, Abode, Divine Play and Saints, Shri Baba said, “These elements are so powerful that if the spiritual aspirant can latch on to even one of them, he can attain the most Supreme Object (Krishna).”
Dark-hued Krishna Grazing Cows
Shri Baba recited portions of 'dark-hued Krishna grazing the cows' 'playing the flute', 'water sports' etc., from
his poetic compostiion, 'Jay Jay Priyatam.'
The mood of Shriji's absorption in ecstasy was beyond description at that time. There was a charming seriousness pervading the atmosphere.
Date: 4.10.76—although today's talk began with an
array of religious rituals and 'Vedanta[13], it soon changed to the charming topic of Braj Bhava.
“ The difference between 'kunja' and 'nikunja' could not be clearly explained in Nimbarka literature and Gaudiya’s literary works,” Shri Baba
Nibhrit Nikunja
Shri Radha Baba delved deeper and said, “Nibhrit Nikunja' or 'secluded nikunja' is a thing of my experience. One must at dive into at least one of the four main ghats of
Braj Bhava which are gosht, kunj, nikunj and nibhrit nikunj, whichever one likes, and
then the true object of adoration(Lord Krishna) will incarnate on its own accord. 'Nibhrit nikunj[14]' is the only ghat, which manifests and descends into the sadhaka out of its own grace,”
Baba delved deeper into the subject and explained.
“Acharyas have depicted the lofty waves of experiences they have had in the Mahabhava Sagar but none of them can be confined to a limit. It can’t be said that a higher wave won’t rise in the ocean of Mahabhava,[15]”
revealed Shri Baba.
Supreme Object Krishna
Ultimately the talk reverted to and was focused on kripa or divine grace.
“The sadhaka becomes eligible to be a recipient of God's grace with bhajan but attainment of the Sole Object of adoration(Krishna) is definitely attained through divine grace. Every person in entitled to God's grace provided he awaits it.”Shri Baba said.
[2] Mahabhava: Centred on the
divine love of Radha
and Krishna
the worshipper is required to
assume the nature, nuance
and psychological state of Radha
in her loving devotion
to Krishna, this state
is called Radha bhava
or mahabhava
[3] Who, In the form of Manjushyama, illuminated the delirious pastimes
in that blissful, moonlit Vrndavan with attractive groves and filled with the
chirping of Kokilas, parrots and other flocks of birds and surrounded by
dancing peacocks. I desire to be the infatuated mellow relishing bumble bee of
the lotus feet of that Sri Radha.
[6] Gopi Geet:
is a part of
the Srimad Bhagavat.
It is contained in
the first half of
book ten, chapter 31,
verses 1 to 19
of Bhagavat Purana.
In these
nineteen tender verses, the
Gopis sing Krishna's glory at the
time of His disappearance during
the Rāsa play. Sri
Krishna planned the Rāsa
lilā to lift
the Gopis' to a
higher spiritual state. However, Lord
Krishna was perturbed by
the introvert pursuit of Gopis
and in order to
teach them a lesson,
he disappeared deep into the
When Gopis
did not find Krishna,
they became breathless. Bemused
Gopis' looked all over,
but in vain. Then,
with their body, mind
and soul in unison
with Krishna's memories, they arrived at
the banks of river
Yamuna. Immersed in his
unfathomable love and earnestly
longing for his heavenly
vision, Gopis' started singing
the glories of His
divine grace and the
very tunes became known
as Gopi Geet or
cries for Krishna
[7] Raas Panchadhyayi: a
quintet of chapters in
the Bhagavat Putrana, based
on the theme of
Krishna's relationship with the gopis
[8] Tantra sadhana:
Tantra is an ancient
mystical teaching. Tantra sadhana ensures
that the sadhaka can
attain moksha (spiritual liberation)
and get siddhis (supernormal powers).
[9] Maha Tripura
Sundari: Great Beautiful (Goddess)
of the Three Cities,
she is one of
the group of ten
goddesses of Hindu belief,
collectively called Mahavidyas.
[11] Bhava: In
the initial phase of
braj bhava the aspirant
is withdrawing his mind from
all worldly objects and
desires and
goading all his psychic
energy towards Parama Purusa.
Hence the sadhaka is
no longer chasing name,
fame, money, post, power,
position or other worldly
things. The aspirant is
instead trying to cultivate
more and more spiritual
longing: To accept Parama
Purusa as their only
Goal in life; to
accept Him as their
sole object of adoration.
[12] Mahabhava: The
Supreme emotion, Mahabhava, is
the quintessence of Prema. Radha
is the personification of
this Supreme emotion.
[13] Vedanta: Vedanta
originally meant the Upanishads.
By the 8th century,
it came to mean
all philosophical traditions concerned and developed by
interpreting the Upanishads, the
Brahman Sutras and the
Bhagavadgita, the three basic
texts.Ten schools of Vedanta
are known,of which Advaita
Vedanta, Vishishtadvaita, and Dvaita are
the best known.
[14] Nibhrit Nikunja:
Beyond Nikunj Rasa there is ‘Nibhrit Nikunj,’ nectar of pastimes
performed in the innermost groves. This nectar is inaccessible to even Lalita
and Vishakha. Only Radha and Krishna remain in the innermost groves. Nikunj Rasa,’ is the
nectar of pastimes performed
in the inner groves.
No individual soul can gain
entrance here. Only Lalita,
Vishakha and other intimate
gopis may enter the
inner groves.
Beyond Nikunj
Ras there is ‘Nibhrit Nikunj,’ nectar
of pastimes performed in
the innermost groves. This nectar
is inaccessible to even Lalita
and Vishakha. Only Radha and
Krishna remain in the
innermost groves.
[15] Mahabhava:Centred on
the divine love of
Radha and Krishna the worshipper is
required to assume the
nature, nuance sand psychological state
of Radha in her
loving devotion to Krishna,
this state is called
Radha bhava or Mahabhava
1 comment:
Great chapter ! Conversation about the 'Rasa ' between two great saints that is rarely available anywhere & this is not a discussion only but a great experience! Thanks again!
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