taru pallava mahu°rahå lukåi, karai bicåra karau°kå bhåi||
tehi avasara råvanu taha°åvå, samga nåri bahu kie°banåvå||1||
bahu bidhi khala sitahi samujhåvå,såma dåna bhaya bheda dekhåvå||
kaha råvanu sunu sumukhi sayåni, mamdodari ådi saba råni||2||
tava anucari° karau° pana morå,eka båra biloku mama orå||
trna dhari ota kahati baidehi,sumiri avadhapati parama sanehi||3||
sunu dasamukha khadyota prakåså,kabahu° ki nalini karai bikåså||
asa mana samujhu kahati jånaki,khala sudhi nahi raghubira båna ki||4||
satha sune° hari ånehi mohi, adhama nilajja låja nahi toh||5||

Doha: 9
åpuhi suni khadyota sama råmahi bhånu samåna,
parusa bacana suni kåRhi asi bolå ati khisiåna.9.

sitå tai mama krta apamånå,katihau° tava sira kathina krpånå||
nåhi ta sapadi månu mama båni,sumukhi hoti na ta jivana håni||1||
syåma saroja dåma sama sumdara,prabhu bhuja kari kara sama dasakamdhara||
so bhuja kamtha ki tava asi ghorå,sunu satha asa pravåna pana morå||2||
camdrahåsa haru mama paritåpam,raghupati biraha anala samjåtam||
sitala nisita bahasi bara dhårå,kaha sitå haru mama dukha bhårå||3||
sunata bacana puni mårana dhåvå, mayatanayå° kahi niti bujhåvå||
kahesi sakala nisicarinha bolåi,sitahi bahu bidhi tråsahu jåi||4||
måsa divasa mahu° kahå na månå,tau mai mårabi kåRhi krpånå||5||
“Sita you have insulted me. I will slash off your head with my ruthless sword. Quickly obey my order even now or else lose your life, Oh beautiful one!" Sitaji retorted, “Oh ten-necked demon!Either the Lord's arm which is as beautiful as a garland of blue lotuses, sturdy and huge like the trunk of an elephant will adorn my neck or your fearsome sword. Oh devious one! This is my true vow."

Sitaji pleaded, “Oh Chandrahas!(glittering moon sword presented to Ravana by Lord Shiva and said to be one of the most powerful weapons in Hindu mythology.)Relieve me from the burning anguish arising from my separation from the Lord of the Raghus.Oh sword! You have a cool, sharp and topmost blade, hence get rid of the burden of my sorrow.”
As soon as he heard these words of Sita, Ravana ran to kill her but Mandodari (daughter of demon Maya) checked him by talking of ethics.That is when Ravana summoned the demonesses deployed there and asked them to terrorise Sita in every possible way.
"If she does not listen to me within the span of a month, I will draw out my sword and kill her,"he roared.
Doha: 10
bhavana gayau dasakamdhara ihå° pisåcini brmda|
sitahi tråsa dekhåvahi dharahi rupa bahu mamda||10||

taru pallava mahu°rahå lukåi, karai bicåra karau°kå bhåi||
tehi avasara råvanu taha°åvå, samga nåri bahu kie°banåvå||1||
bahu bidhi khala sitahi samujhåvå,såma dåna bhaya bheda dekhåvå||
kaha råvanu sunu sumukhi sayåni, mamdodari ådi saba råni||2||
tava anucari° karau° pana morå,eka båra biloku mama orå||
trna dhari ota kahati baidehi,sumiri avadhapati parama sanehi||3||
sunu dasamukha khadyota prakåså,kabahu° ki nalini karai bikåså||
asa mana samujhu kahati jånaki,khala sudhi nahi raghubira båna ki||4||
satha sune° hari ånehi mohi, adhama nilajja låja nahi toh||5||

Hanumana hides Amidst the Leaves of a Tree
Hanuman hid himself amids the leaves of a tree and reflected, “Oh dear! What should I do (to get rid of her sorrow).That is precisely when heavily adorned Ravana arrived there along with a large number of women.The crook tried to persuade Sitaji in various ways by incantation, bribery, threat and guile. Ravana entreated,“Listen oh beautiful lady! Oh wise lady!I will make Mandodari and all the other queens your maids, and that is my promise.At least cast a glance upon me once."

Lord Raghuvir
Taking shelter behind a blade of grass, Sita focused her thoughts upon her supremely lovable, Shri Ramchandraji, son of Kaushalya,and retorted, “Oh ten-headed one. Listen! Can a lotus possibly bloom with the glow of a firefly?” The daughter of Janaka then said, “You must also assume the same about yourself.You wretch! You have no inkling of the sharpness of Shri Raghuvir's arrows.A sinner that you are! You kidnapped me at a time when I was all by myself. Oh impudent rogue! Aren't you ashamed of yourself ?”
Doha: 9
åpuhi suni khadyota sama råmahi bhånu samåna,
parusa bacana suni kåRhi asi bolå ati khisiåna.9.

Maa Sita Equates Lord Rama to the Sun
Hearing that he was compared to a glow-worm whereas Lord Rama was equated to the sun, and infuriated at Sita's harsh outburst,Ravana took out his sword and fumed.
(According to conventional norms a Hindu lady must not talk to a stranger without a medium but Sita was forced to do so under these dire circumstances.)
sitå tai mama krta apamånå,katihau° tava sira kathina krpånå||
nåhi ta sapadi månu mama båni,sumukhi hoti na ta jivana håni||1||
syåma saroja dåma sama sumdara,prabhu bhuja kari kara sama dasakamdhara||
so bhuja kamtha ki tava asi ghorå,sunu satha asa pravåna pana morå||2||
camdrahåsa haru mama paritåpam,raghupati biraha anala samjåtam||
sitala nisita bahasi bara dhårå,kaha sitå haru mama dukha bhårå||3||
sunata bacana puni mårana dhåvå, mayatanayå° kahi niti bujhåvå||
kahesi sakala nisicarinha bolåi,sitahi bahu bidhi tråsahu jåi||4||
måsa divasa mahu° kahå na månå,tau mai mårabi kåRhi krpånå||5||

Lord Shiva presented the Chandrahas to Ravana
As soon as he heard these words of Sita, Ravana ran to kill her but Mandodari (daughter of demon Maya) checked him by talking of ethics.That is when Ravana summoned the demonesses deployed there and asked them to terrorise Sita in every possible way.
"If she does not listen to me within the span of a month, I will draw out my sword and kill her,"he roared.
Doha: 10
bhavana gayau dasakamdhara ihå° pisåcini brmda|
sitahi tråsa dekhåvahi dharahi rupa bahu mamda||10||

Ravana Returns to his Palace with Wife Mandodari
Issuing these orders, the ten headed Råvana returned to his palace.Whereas the hordes of demonesses assumed many hideous forms and petrified Sita ji in the Ashok Vatika.
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