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Dear Vimla,
With love, Jai Sri Hari.
Yesterday, I had a word with her.
She has made such a correct analysis.
Well now I will recite a pada, which I have longed to do so earlier:
Aesi jiya hoth jo jiya son jiyo mile,
Tan samai lyon tau dekhon kaha ho pyari.
Tohi so hi lagi aankhinha son aankhen mili rahen,
jivan ko yahe laha ho pyari.
mo kaun itau saj kahan ri pyari, hau ati deen tuv bas,
bhuvchhep na jai saha ho pyari.
Sri Haridas ke svami syama kahat rakhi lai bahu bal,haun
haun bapura kam daha ho pyari।
Hearing this enthused exultation would Priyaji not have been moved? Who can possibly pen the ecstatic waves which surged in the domain of love, splashing about.
Okay then, Jai Hari.
With Love,
Yours Bobo.

Shri Radha & Krishna Are in Essence a Single Entity
Shri Hari
Sri Vrindavan Dhaam
17th October 1964
With love, Jai Sri Hari.
Boboji's Yugal Sarkar
Today's shangar is ravishing. Thakurji clad in green garments on a white curtain looks ethereal, wearing golden necklaces and diadems. Lustrous due to the innate beauty of divinity, the arrayed adornments are dazzling. These days radiant nights of the autumnal full moon embrace the earth with moonlight. Bhagwan Shukdev enlightened us on these magical nights in their most glorious state. Supreme Lover Krishna, ardently longed for romantic dalliances on sighting these beaming nights.
Look Vimla, I was to inform you that we will take Thakurji to the courtyard, in a short while. Vimlaji would be arriving soon and we propose to have kirtan in the open. All depends on what He wants. Right now Bauji and Pushpaji dropped in after having darshan of Sri Yamunaji and Bihariji. Bahinji is unwell and her suffering is heart-rending. But what can we do. Sri Hari makes his devotees undergo pain to enlighten humans on the temporal plane.
Yesterday, I had a word with her.
"The body is miserable but its cause is the state of mind. Once a while, on becoming blank, I am conscious of the compassionate Lord's loving tenderness and certainly do not feel any bodily distress," she explained.
Thakurji is Always by Our Side
" Thakurji is by our side eternally but we are not aware of His closeness because of the mundane world. Complete absorption in the joy of Krishna takes us beyond physical griefs and delights. Only if this bliss was constant...but we are wanting," she affirmed.
Well now I will recite a pada, which I have longed to do so earlier:
Tan samai lyon tau dekhon kaha ho pyari.
Tohi so hi lagi aankhinha son aankhen mili rahen,
jivan ko yahe laha ho pyari.
mo kaun itau saj kahan ri pyari, hau ati deen tuv bas,
bhuvchhep na jai saha ho pyari.
Sri Haridas ke svami syama kahat rakhi lai bahu bal,haun
haun bapura kam daha ho pyari।
Shri Radhe-Krishna Are One
Such a terrifying rush of love is possible only in the play between Sri-Radha Krishna. They are in essence a single entity who manifest as two distinct individuals for the sake of interpersonal romantic exchange. The moonbeams and the moon, both exist simultaneously but one comes from the other. At times, longing for a dalliance Priyaji finds respite in Priyatam's embrace, who fondly caresses her with constant surges of love. Occasionally, impassioned Sri Krishna snuggled in Sri Radhika's arms and finds solace to gushes of exquisite desire. Thus the frolic between Radha and Krishna as they move into the mazes of love, becomes a methaphor for the conjunction of the male and female polarities of the cosmos itself, where the descending god and the ascending soul are one.
Krishna enraptured by Sri Radha's unprecedented charm longed for Her to take the first step; but being the sole purusha He had no inkling of Her shyness? However, She is able to please Him with little more than a glance with Her enticing coquetry. Sri Radha ultimately remains and is revealed as the supreme object of Krishna's love. Highly restrictive social conventions stop Her from taking the initiative. But when Krishna makes ardent entreaties She forgets everything, moving in delicious anguish to his side.
Dark-hued Krishna is Irresistibly Drawn to Shri Radha
Sri Radha is an embodiment of the irresistibly attractive feminine principle toward which the masculine power encompassed in the god is drawn. The very foundation of a religion of union, where the questing soul must reach the state of oneness with divine.
"Our minds and bodies must fuse to become a single entity; our inflamed hearts should unite and consummate in love. But I am helpless, probably it is not my destiny. How can I possibly explain to you my sweetheart, the supreme object of my passionate love. I can not bear a moment's separation from you," says dark-hued Krishna.
"Even blinking makes me restless when I am not able to catch a glimpse of you. Oh the uneasiness can not be expressed in words! Every fiber of mine yearns to be absorbed in you. Even if the bodies fuse, the eyes are forlorn, eagerly desirous of beholding your charming beauty. How can both occur simultaneously?
Shri Radha Embracing Krishna
Now dejected, I am dependent on you in every respect. Embracing me, wrap your affectionate, tender arms around me. Snuggling me, sustain me Priya. Holding me, give me respite. Soothe my heart on fire with desire, with the cooling essence of your touch. I am yours in every possible way; relying on you Priye, my beloved! The repository of my heart, Radhike!"
Hearing this enthused exultation would Priyaji not have been moved? Who can possibly pen the ecstatic waves which surged in the domain of love, splashing about.
Okay then, Jai Hari.
With Love,
Yours Bobo.
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