sunata sudhåsama bacana råma ke, gahe sabani pada krpådhåma ke |
janani janaka gura bamdhu hamåre, krpå nidhåna pråna te pyåre ||1||
tanu dhanu dhåma råma hitakåri, saba bidhi tumha pranatårati håri |
asi sikha tumha binu dei na kou, måtu pitå svåratha rata ou ||2||
hetu rahita jaga juga upakari, tumha tumhåra sevaka asuråri |
svåratha mita sakala jaga måhi, sapanehu° prabhu paramåratha nåhi° ||3||
saba ke bacana prema rasa såne, suni raghunåtha hrdaya° harasane. |
nija nija grha gae ayasu pai, baranata prabhu batakahi suhai ||4||
Lord Rama's Nectarine Words
On hearing Lord Råma's nectarine words everyone clasped the feet of the Abode of mercy and said:Oh repository of mercy! You are our father and mother, preceptor and kinsman, and dearer to us than our own life. O Råma who relieves the sorrows of those who seek refuge in Him! You are our body, wealth, house and its premises, and beneficent to us in every way. No one apart from You can give such education because even our father and mother (thought they care for our well being and educate us) are concerned about their own self-interest.
Lord Rama, the Destroyer of Demons
O Destroyer of demons! There are only two who work for the well being of others without any motive (selflessly)--One is You and the other is Your servitor. Everyone else in this world is bothered about his personal interest. O Lord!They do not have the bhava or feeling of spiritual interest even in their dreams. The Lord of the Raghus was delighted at heart to hear everyone's words steeped in the rasa or sentiment of love. Getting His permission they returned to their respective homes, describing the Lord's charming discourse, en route.
umå avadhabåsi nara nåri krtåratha rupa |
brahma saccidånamda ghana raghunåyaka jaha° bhupa ||47||
Lord Shiva Narrates the Tale of Rama to Goddess Uma
(Lord Shiva continued) O Uma! Both men and women living in Ayodhyå are the very picture of blessedness, because the Lord of the Raghus, who was none other than Brahma, the embodiment of being, thought and bliss, ruled here as king.
eka båra basista muni åe, jahå° råma sukhadhåma suhåe |
ati ådara raghunåyaka kinhå, pada pakhåri pådodaka linhå ||1||
råma sunahu muni kaha karajori, krpåsimdhu binati kachu mori |
dekhi dekhi åcarana tumhårå, hota moha mama hrdaya° apårå ||2 ||
mahimå amiti beda nahi jånå, mai kehi bhå°ti kahau° bhagavånå |
uparohitya karma ati mamdå, beda puråna sumrti kara nimdå ||3||
jaba na leu° mai taba bidhi mohi, kahå låbha åge°suta tohi |
paramåtamå brahma nara rupå, hoihi raghukula bhusana bhupå ||4||
Sage Vasistha Visits Lord Rama at His Palace
One day sage Vasistha called at the palace where the beautiful and all-blissful Lord Råma was. The Lord of the Raghus welcomed him with great reverence, and washing his feet, sipped the nectarine water in which his feet had been washed. The sage said with folded hands: O Rama, the ocean of mercy! Listen to an entreaty of mine. Even as I watch Your meritorious deeds (as a human), infinite delusion (doubt) affects my heart. O Almighty! There is no limit of your majestic grandeur and even the Vedas do not know of it. Thus how can I describe it. The profession of a family priest is very low; the Vedas, Purånas and Smrti texts denounce it.
Lord Brahma, the Creator
When I would not accept the same(becoming the purohit of the Surya Dynasty), then Brahmå (my father) had told me: O son! This will get you great benefit in the future. Brahma, the Supreme Spirit, will assume a human form and appear as a king, the ornament of the Raghus.
taba mai hrdaya° bicårå joga jagya brata dåna |
jå kahu° karia so paihau° dharma na ehi sama åna ||48||
Lord Rama, the King of the Raghus
Then I thought to myself that by this very act I will be able to attain Him for whom yoga or abstract meditation, yagya or sacrifices, vrats or religious vows and charity are undertaken. Thus there can be no greater dharma or spiritual merit than this.
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