sakhå kahi tumha niki upåi, karia daiva jau°hoi sahåi||
mamtra na yaha lachimana mana bhåvå, råma bacana suni ati dukha påvå||1||
nåtha daiva kara kavana bharoså,sosia simdhu karia mana roså||
kådara mana kahu° eka adhårå,daiva daiva ålasi pukårå||2||
sunata bihasi bole raghubirå,aisehi karaba dharahu mana dhirå|
asa kahi prabhu anujahi samujhåi,simdhu samipa gae raghuråi||3||
prathama pranåma kinha siru nåi,baithe puni tata darbha dasåi||
jabahi bibhisana prabhu pahi åe,påche°råvana duta pathåe||4||

Doha: 51
sakala carita tinha dekhe dhare° kapata kapi deha|
prabhu guna hrdaya° saråhahi saranågata para neha||51||
pragata bakhånahi råma subhåu,ati saprema gå bisari duråu||
ripu ke duta kapinha taba jåne,sakala bå°dhi kapisa pahi åne||1||
kaha sugriva sunahu saba bånara, amga bhamga kari pathavahu nisicara||
suni sugriva bacana kapi dhåe,bå°dhi kataka cahu påsa phiråe||2||
bahu prakåra mårana kapi låge,dina pukårata tadapi na tyåge||
jo hamåra hara nåså kånå,tehi kosalådhisa kai ånå||3||
suni lachimana saba nikata bolåe, dayå lågi ha°si turata choRåe||
råvana kara dijahu yaha påti,lachimana bacana båcu kulaghåti||4||
Soon after, the spies began applauding Lord Rama's temperament evidently with intense love and forgot about their deception (disguise.)That is when the monkeys came to know that they were envoys of the enemy and binding the whole lot, got them to Sugriva.

sitå dei milahu na ta åvå kålu tumhåra||52||

Thereafter convey my generous (compassionate) message to the fool by word of mouth.' Hand over Devi Sita and meet Him (Lord Rama) or else assume that your kaal (the clutches of death) has arrived.'
mamtra na yaha lachimana mana bhåvå, råma bacana suni ati dukha påvå||1||
nåtha daiva kara kavana bharoså,sosia simdhu karia mana roså||
kådara mana kahu° eka adhårå,daiva daiva ålasi pukårå||2||
sunata bihasi bole raghubirå,aisehi karaba dharahu mana dhirå|
asa kahi prabhu anujahi samujhåi,simdhu samipa gae raghuråi||3||
prathama pranåma kinha siru nåi,baithe puni tata darbha dasåi||
jabahi bibhisana prabhu pahi åe,påche°råvana duta pathåe||4||

Lakshmana Asks Lord Rama to Dry Up the Ocean
(Lord Rama said) “ Well friend, you have suggested a perfect solution.Let us follow this plan if the divine power helps us out. This suggestion was not much liked by Lakshmana who was deeply pained to hear the words of Lord Rama. (Lakshmana opined) “ Oh Lord !How can we trust fate!Become furious (indignant) and dry up the ocean.Fate is just a recourse adopted by a coward's mind (to give assurance). It is only the lazy who call out (have faith) to destiny.”
Hearing this, the Hero of the Raghus laughed and affirmed, “ Have patience, that is precisely what we will do!” Assuring His younger brother (Lakshmana) with these words,the Lord of the Raghus went close to the shore of sea.Right at the start, He bowed his head and greeted the ocean. Thereafter spreading kusa grass on the banks, He sat down. At the other end Ravana had sent spies to track Vibhishana as soon as he had ventured towards the Lord.
sakala carita tinha dekhe dhare° kapata kapi deha|
prabhu guna hrdaya° saråhahi saranågata para neha||51||

Lord Rama's Divine Play
Deceitfully disguising themselves as monkeys these spies saw all the divine plays of the Lord .Deep within their hearts they began to admire the Lord's virtues and the affection He had for those who sought refuge in Him.
pragata bakhånahi råma subhåu,ati saprema gå bisari duråu||
ripu ke duta kapinha taba jåne,sakala bå°dhi kapisa pahi åne||1||
kaha sugriva sunahu saba bånara, amga bhamga kari pathavahu nisicara||
suni sugriva bacana kapi dhåe,bå°dhi kataka cahu påsa phiråe||2||
bahu prakåra mårana kapi låge,dina pukårata tadapi na tyåge||
jo hamåra hara nåså kånå,tehi kosalådhisa kai ånå||3||
suni lachimana saba nikata bolåe, dayå lågi ha°si turata choRåe||
råvana kara dijahu yaha påti,lachimana bacana båcu kulaghåti||4||
Soon after, the spies began applauding Lord Rama's temperament evidently with intense love and forgot about their deception (disguise.)That is when the monkeys came to know that they were envoys of the enemy and binding the whole lot, got them to Sugriva.

The Monkeys Bind the Spies of Ravana
Sugriva ordered, “All of you monkeys, listen!Crippling the demons (breaking their limbs), send them back.” Hearing Sugriva's command, the monkeys ran. Binding the spies, they paraded them all around the army camp. The monkeys began beating them in various ways.The demons piteously cried for help,but still the monkeys did not spare them. (Thereupon the envoys called out)"The one who will slash our nose and ears has the swear of Lord Rama, the ruler of Kosala, (not to do so.)”
On hearing this, Lakshmana called everyone near him. He was very moved by pity because of which he laughed and had them released soon after.(And he told them) “ Hand over this letter in Ravana's hands (and say), “ Oh destroyer of our race!Read through the words (message) of Lakshmana.”
Doha: 52
kahehu mukhågara muRha sana mama samdesu udåra|sitå dei milahu na ta åvå kålu tumhåra||52||

Lakshmana Asks Ravana to Hand over Sita to Lord Rama
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