Friday, April 5, 2019

Chapter 66: The Installation of Vigrahas

Shri Radhashtami

The festival of Radhashtami was be celebrated on 11th September, 1994 in Gita Vatika. The vigraha[1] of Shri Radha Baba and the arrangement of installing it in his shrine had been fixed for this very occasion.  

Ghanshyamji Devotedly Served Shri Balkrishna Das ji Maharaj

However, Shriji continued to be extremely unwell in Vrindavan. He did not have the appetite to eat even a morsel of food. Weakness prevented him from taking regular walks. Least mindful of his own comfort and rest, Shri Ghanshyamji was readily devoted in serving him and was by Shriji's side like a shadow. He was the one who gave Shriji a bath and attended to his other needs.

Members of Shriji's parikar, the inner circle of devotees, were not unable to figure out as to what they should do to relieve Shriji's suffering. The time to go to Gorakhpur was approaching fast. They were worried as to how he would be able to travel in such a condition. On being asked Shriji would generally remain mum but  it seemed that he was firmly determined to go to Gorakhpur.

Finally the time came close. Shriji had sent Bhagwat reader Acharya Shri Kishori Ramanji and four karam kandi brahmins from Shri Dham to Gorakhpur for  installing the statue. Despite his delicate health Shriji himself left for Delhi along with Shri Ghanshyamji to go to Gorakhpur on 4th September 1994. He got his medical check up done by showing himself to Dr. Arora in Delhi.

Seeing the state of Shriji's health the doctor did not give him permission to go to Gorakhpur.

 If something happens to Shri Maharajji I will never be able to forgive myself,” he said.

Vaishali Express, Gorakhpur

But when was Shriji going to follow someone else's advice against his own determination. He started for Gorkahpur by Vaishali Express on 9th September  accompanied by Ghanshyamji, Kusumji, Vrindavan Das, Lalji, Neena, Shri Vishnu Hari Dalmia, Lalitaji and Arunaji.

Gorakhpur Station

 There was a huge crowd at the station to welcome Shriji. Everyone was eagerly waiting for him. Several cars were standing outside the station for his service. Shriji reached Gita Vatika with them.

A Wheel Chair

Shri Maharajji was not able to walk for even ten steps. He was taken by a wheel chair to the cottage.  After bathing and having meals he was made to rest. Visitors were strictly forbidden from meeting him that day but some of them came to see Shriji the next day. There was discussion regarding the idol's installation and everyone became accordingly engaged in their assigned tasks. Shriji was getting all this done through his inner spiritual strength.

Shri Vishnu Hari Dalmia

Shri Vishnu Hari Dalmia and his wife Lalitaji were the jajman[2] of the installation ceremony of Shri Baba's idol. The work of putting up the statue started on 12th September. After the initial sankalpam [3] the Dalmia couple transferred the representative status of the ceremony to Ghanshaymji. The entire burden of the festival lay on his shoulders as well as all other tasks of the function were getting done as per his instructions. Shri Ghanshyamji was the most close and favourite recipient of Shri Radha Baba.

At the other end, the whole responsibility of Shri Maharajji's care rested on Ghanshyamji. Burden of the tasks to be done had increased manifold but he did not mind and felt that Shri Baba and Shri Maharaji were getting the work done from him as an instrument therefore all the tasks were done to perfection.

Shri Radha Baba

12 o' clock had been fixed as the astrologically auspicious time for installing Shri Baba's statue. All religious observances were being carried out according to traditionally established norms during the recitation of mantras. Exactly at 12 o' clock the idol of Shri Baba was unveiled by the lotus hands of Shri Maharajji.The entire sky resounded with exultant shouts of 'jai jai[4]' along with the musical sound of conch shells, gongs, and large bells being sounded and echoing from all sides.


When Shri Maharajji did arti [5] his spiritually emotional stance was worth watching. His eyes had become red and his face shone brightly with a divine radiance. It seemed as if venerable Shri Baba had actually manifested and was perceptible in the idol. His large compassionate eyes were shining like wick flames. It was tough to say who was doing whose arti[6].

Prasad [7] was distributed after the arti. Soon after, the work of installing the vigraha was completed along with the singing of devotional hymns and shouts of exultation.

Shriji was carried to the hut for rest. He was very exhausted but every fiber of his being was ecstatic because the task of installing Shri Baba's idol had been completed without any hindrance. After the ceremony of putting up the statue, Shri Vishnu Hariji and Shri Lalitaji came to the hut of Shriji and touched his feet with full religious devotion.

Maharajji! You have made us supremely happy, Shri Lalitaji exulted in a delighted tone.

Compassionate Eyes of Shri Baba

Maharajji you have showered infinite grace on us. I have seen many fine statues in foreign countries from an artistic point of view but have never seen such compassionate eyes as are visible on respected Baba's face,  Shri Vishnu Hariji complemented.

The festival of Radhashtami fell next day. Everyone got busy in its activates. An immense crowd of onlookers was thronging the place. 

Shri Radha-Krishna, Gita Vatika

First of all Shriji performed the arti of 'Radha Kishoriji', and it was soon followed by artis done by Shri Vishnuji, Shri Phoglaji and Shri Baiji. The next day the ritual celebration of dadhikando [8] was performed along with sankirtan, the congregational chanting of Lord Hari's name, with ardent fervour.

Shriji attended the ceremony for a short while, unable to sit any longer.

In this manner installation of Shri Baba's idol and the festival of Radhashtami were performed in an atmosphere loaded with zealous joyous abandon. Thereafter, most of the people returned to their respective homes.

Unprecedent Bhava Avesha, a Trance Like State of Religious Rapture`

Shri Maharajji motivated the followers of Shri Baba in Gita Vatika to do sankirtan every morning and evening  in front of Baba's shrine for some time. 


On Ekadashi that is on 15th September, 1994, the start of sankirtan was auspiciously inaugurated in the shrine. Shriji gave instructions that five types of dry fruits should be offered as bhoga[9]. 

Dry Fruits

 Accordingly five sacks loaded with dry fruits were called for so that all the devotees could have prasad from the offering. Sankirtan began after the ceremonial offering of bhoga. Shri Ghanshyamji, Swami Shri Ramji and Swami Fateh Krishnaji were getting the kirtan done in a melodious tone.

Radha Baba, Gita Vatika

Venerable Shriji was resplendently seated on a stool near Shri Baba's samadhi mandir [10] and his gaze was stably fixed on the virgraha of Shri Baba. His eyes were turning red. In his state of deep absorption in spiritual emotion Shriji slipped the shawl of coarse silk draped around his shoulders down to his waist and slowly started sliding forward on the stool. He was still fixedly gazing at Shri Baba. Speedily getting down from the stool and raising both his hands, Shriji quickly climbed up two stairs and reached the door of the samadhi mandir.

Shriji Began Dancing in a Circle

Exulting, 'Oho! Oho!' Shriji began dancing in a round circle, in a state of religious rapture. Where on the one hand it was tough to take even two steps and where  was this emotionally charged state of his. The entire gathering of people present there watched this state of rapture, speechlessly, fascinated and silently. Their eyes were constantly shedding tears. Swami Fateh Krishnaji was weeping continuously. A boy name Sarveshwar who had accompanied Shriji throughout the festival was crying so pathetically that it could even melt a stone. 

Gita Vatika Charged with Prema

The entire region of Gita Vatika had changed with a new creation of prema[11]. It appeared that Shriji would faint and fall down. Leaving the harmonium, Ghanshyamji got up instantly and took care of Shriji by supporting him with his hand. Shriji sat down right there, in front of Shri Baba's idol. Tears were constantly streaming down his cheeks.

Vaibhav ! Adbhut vaibhav ! Vaibhav ! Adhbhut vaibhav ! (Majesty! Wonderful majesty!)” Indistinct words were pouring out of his mouth,”

“ Shriji's intention to leave is clearly not visible,” Shri Vishnuji intervened When Ghanshyamji quickly asked for a wheel chair

“ However I have to take him, for sure!”  Shri Ghanshyamji instantly responded.

Shriji's Sees Krishna, the Supreme Lover of Shri Radha

  He very well knew that Shriji would swoon and lose consciousness very soon. Earlier also he had seen this state of Shriji's bhava dasha[12] or spiritual ecstasy. Despite knowing that taking him away from the present state of religious rapture would hurt Shriji it was essential to take this step on seeing the seriousness of the situation.

Shriji Was Made to Sit on a Wheel Chair

Shriji Was Made to Gently Shriji was made to sit on a wheel chair. He was taken to the cottage and made to lie down on the bed. Shri Maharajji lay down in that state for hours together, absolutely unconscious of the external mundane world. All the devotees had gathered in front of the cottage to see Shriji but seeing the seriousness of the situation Ghanshaymji had closed the room.

State of Bliss in the Realm of Shri Radha-Krishna

 “I was in a state of unprecedented, wonderful bliss[13].”Why did you get me here! It caused me great trouble,” Shriji asked Ghanshyamji on regaining normal consciousness after a few hours.

Next day when Shriji's intimate followers and associates of the Vatika sat next to him in the cottage Ghanshyamji politely broached the topic, “Maharajji! Yesterday when padas  were being sung some vague words like 'Adbhut adbhut and kya vaibhav kya vaibhav ' (Wonderful, wonderful and what splendour what glory) rambled out of our mouth when you were in  bhava stithi , a spiritually emotional state. They were written down by Shri Bankaji. Everyone is eager to know how you scaled the two stairs in a dancing posture and reached the idol of Shri Baba without any support?”

After being requested repeatedly Shriji sat up on the bed and started speaking slowly:

Radhika Raman, Supreme Lover of Shri Radha

'radhika ramann nirvadhi jai, jai ambuj-nayan sada priyatam '

' Hail Radhikaraman the Supreme lover of Radha, hail to the lotus eyed Krishna, the eternal lover of Radha!'

Shriji explained, “This devotional hymn which Baba was very fond of was being sung and my gaze was fixed on Shri Baba. As I was looking at Baba his brows became wiggled and an ineffable beauty suffused his face. I could not stop myself. In an attempt to stand up I began sliding the stool in front.  I saw that along with the fickle movement of his eyebrows, Shri Baba had raised his hand and he was exulting in a dancing posture ,' Jai ho! Jai ho! '

“ I lost my normal consciousness and do not know how I scaled the two steps and reached the door? I had no sense of the external world.

Shri Radha Baba Met Maharajji in His Divine Svarupa

“Venerable Baba was in his divine svarupa and so was I. The whole atmosphere was uniquely charged and the realm of bliss was reigning supreme. Seeing Baba in a dancing posture I too assumed the same posture and began complimenting him.

 ' Wonderful ! Wonderful !' I raved.

“Acting as an echo point he too responded by raising both hands and exclaiming 'Your majesty! Your magnificence!'

'Veritable grandeur has incarnated. You have turned up in this rupa to honour my every word. You are actually seeing me! You are actually seeing me!” I exclaimed soon after.

“ Revered Baba repeated my words and began praising me. The smile on his face was increasing. He agreed to be present and come in this form on my request.

Offering of Dry Fruits

 ' I have accepted your prasad , the offering of dry fruits. I am listening to everything. What should I say! How should I say it?'Shri Baba said.

' My heart is melting like a lump of salt.' “ I replied.

Narrating up to this juncture Shriji became silent.

Gita Vatika

Staying at Gita Vatika for two more days, Shriji left for Vrindavan on 18th September. Countless devotees were thronging the railway station. The train whistled and taking Shriji, slowly chugged ahead. Fixedly gazing at him with tearful eyes, the devotees saw him off. Seeing this compassionate scene who would not have wept?

Shriji reached Lalji's place in Faridabad next day. Some improvement in Shriji's health was visible as a consequence of the fruition of his resolve.  He developed a small appetite for food and began getting some sleep as well. The delight on his face was apparent due to the success of his task. However weakness of his body remained the same as before.


Shri Vishnu Hariji and Shri Manmalji contacted India's famed heart specialist Dr. J Shah and Dr. Singhania by phone to come to Delhi for Shriji's medical check up. The doctors gave a date which fell after eight days. They came and examined Shriji. The medication prescribed by them continued, thereafter. 

Shri Vrindavan

Shriji came to Vrindavan after this examination. Finding Shriji in their midst after a long time the inmates of Venu Vinod Kunj were overjoyed. On our requesting him, Shriji narrated  the divine experiences he had had when Shri Baba's idol was being installed.

[1]     Vigraha: In Hinduism, vigraha  typically refers to an image that expresses a Divine Spirit (murta). Meaning literally "embodiment", a vigraha is a representation of a divinity, made usually of stone, wood, or metal, which serves as a means through which a divinity may be worshiped.
[2]     Jajman: a family entitled to some services by certain people, those who pay for services traditionally rendered, as by brahmans
[3]     Sankalpam:  or Clear Resolution is an introduction to any ritual.

[4]     Jai jai: cheerful hail
[5]     Arti utari : This act signifies 'praising the deity with all the respect and devotion by lighting a lamp on a sacred worship place with a hand movement which is highly religious'..
[6]     Doing arti: a dish holding a lamp, burning ghi,, incense or other articles is moved in a series of circles in front of an idol
[7]     Prasad: remnants of food offered to an idol
[8]     Dadhikando: a ritual celebration  on Radha Ranis' birthday, involving the throwing of dahi mixed with turmeric
[9]     Bhoga: food offered to an idol
[10]    Samadhi mandir: shrine temple
[11]    Prema: selfless love
[12]    Bhava dasha: or awakening of spiritual consciousness, is a state of communion with God. It is related to the sub-conscious mind (chitta). When ones spiritual emotion is awakened, for that time one transcends ones usual state of identification with a worldly existence. The awareness of ones own existence also reduces. Thus in a state of spiritual emotion one transcends the littleiand identifies with the bigI. Spiritual emotion gives us a spiritual experience of Bliss (Ānand).
[13]    Bliss: awakening of spiritual consciousnessis a state of communion with God. It is related to the sub-conscious mind (chitta). When ones spiritual emotion is awakened, for that time one transcends ones usual state of identification with a worldly existence. The awareness of ones own existence also reduces. Spiritual emotion gives us a spiritual experience of Bliss (Ānand).

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