pu°chahina bånara taha°jåihi, taba satha nija nåthahi lai åihi||
jinha kai kinhisi bahuta baRåi,dekhau°mai tinha kai prabhutåi||1||
bacana sunata kapi mana musukånå,bhai sahåya sårada mai jånå||
jåtudhåna suni råvana bacanå,låge racai muRha soi racanå||2||
rahå na nagara basana ghrta telå,båRhi pu°cha kinha kapi khelå||
kautuka kaha° åe purabåsi,mårahi carana karahi bahu hå°si||3||
båjahi dhola dehi saba tåri, nagara pheri puni pu°cha prajåri||
påvaka jarata dekhi hanumamtå, bhayau parama laghurupa turamtå||4||
nibuki caRheu kapi kanaka atåri, bhai° sabhita nisåcara nåri°||5||

When this monkey will go to his Lord without his tail, then this fool will get his master back with him. Let me have a look at the supremacy (competence) of the one whom he has exalted to such an extent.Hearing these words Hanuman smiled to himself (and mumbled in his mind), “ I have gathered that Saraswati (goddess of speech plus learning, and patroness of the arts) has helped (in giving him such a mindset).
Abiding by the orders of Ravana, the foolish demons began making preparations (to set fire to his tail) right there. Neither a scrap of cloth nor a drop of ghee (clarified butter) was left in the city (because so much of cloth and ghee was used in wrapping the tail).

Hanuman resorted to such divine play that the tail grew immensely (became lengthy.)The denizens began watching the spectacle.They kicked Hanuman with their feet and made fun of him.Everyone clapped with the beat of the drum.They took Hanuman around the city and set fire to his tail, soon after. Seeing the fire blaze, Hanuman assumed a very tiny form.Slipping out of his fetters he climbed up the golden balconies of the palace. The wives of demons were very scared on seeing him.
Doha: 25
hari prerita tehi avasara cale maruta unacåsa|
attahåsa kari garjå kapi baRhi låga akåsa||25||

All the *forty-nine winds began to blow with God's stimulus. Hanuman roared with a loud laugh and enlarged to such a size that he seemed to touch the sky.
* Our scriptures say that there are forty-nine kinds of winds, each presided by a distinct god. Usually it is at the time of dissolution of the world that these winds are let loose by the god of destruction.
deha bisåla parama haruåi,mamdira te° mamdira caRha dhåi||
jarai nagara bhå loga bihålå,jhapata lapata bahu koti karålå||1||
tåta måtu hå sunia pukårå,ehi avasara ko hamahi ubårå||
hama jo kahå yaha kapi nahi hoi,bånara rupa dhare°sura koi||2||
sådhu avagyå kara phalu aiså,jarai nagara anåtha kara jaiså||
jårå nagaru nimisa eka måhi°,eka bibhisana kara grha nåhi°||3||
tå kara duta anala jehi sirijå,jarå na so tehi kårana girijå||
ulati palati lamkå saba jåri, kudi parå puni simdhu majhåri||4|

Though his body is colossal but it is very light (full of active energy.) He runs and springs from one palace to another. The city is burning and the people are in a miserable state. Millions of terrifying flames are blazing forth. Cries of ,'Oh my father! Oh mother! Who will save us at this crucial hour?' are being heard. I had already said that this was no ordinary monkey but a deity who had assumed the form of a monkey. The consequence of insulting a holy soul is that the city is burning as if it were an orphan. Sparing the sole house of Vibhishana, Hanuman burnt down the entire city in a second.

(Lord Shiva continues), “Oh Parvati!Hanuman is the messenger of Him who created fire itself and that is the reason he was not scorched by fire. Creating havoc and charring the whole of Lanka (from one end to the other), Hanuman leapt into the ocean soon after.
Doha: 26
pu°cha bujhåi khoi srama dhari laghu rupa bahori|
janakasutå ke° åge° thåRha bhayau kara jori||26||

Extinguishing his tail on fire, dispelling his fatigue and assuming a tiny form yet again, Hanuman came and stood in front of Janaki (daughter of Janaka) with folded hands.
pu°chahina bånara taha°jåihi, taba satha nija nåthahi lai åihi||
jinha kai kinhisi bahuta baRåi,dekhau°mai tinha kai prabhutåi||1||
bacana sunata kapi mana musukånå,bhai sahåya sårada mai jånå||
jåtudhåna suni råvana bacanå,låge racai muRha soi racanå||2||
rahå na nagara basana ghrta telå,båRhi pu°cha kinha kapi khelå||
kautuka kaha° åe purabåsi,mårahi carana karahi bahu hå°si||3||
båjahi dhola dehi saba tåri, nagara pheri puni pu°cha prajåri||
påvaka jarata dekhi hanumamtå, bhayau parama laghurupa turamtå||4||
nibuki caRheu kapi kanaka atåri, bhai° sabhita nisåcara nåri°||5||

Goddess Saraswati
Abiding by the orders of Ravana, the foolish demons began making preparations (to set fire to his tail) right there. Neither a scrap of cloth nor a drop of ghee (clarified butter) was left in the city (because so much of cloth and ghee was used in wrapping the tail).

Hanuman Lengthens His Tail
Doha: 25
hari prerita tehi avasara cale maruta unacåsa|
attahåsa kari garjå kapi baRhi låga akåsa||25||

Hanuman Seems to Touch the Sky
* Our scriptures say that there are forty-nine kinds of winds, each presided by a distinct god. Usually it is at the time of dissolution of the world that these winds are let loose by the god of destruction.
deha bisåla parama haruåi,mamdira te° mamdira caRha dhåi||
jarai nagara bhå loga bihålå,jhapata lapata bahu koti karålå||1||
tåta måtu hå sunia pukårå,ehi avasara ko hamahi ubårå||
hama jo kahå yaha kapi nahi hoi,bånara rupa dhare°sura koi||2||
sådhu avagyå kara phalu aiså,jarai nagara anåtha kara jaiså||
jårå nagaru nimisa eka måhi°,eka bibhisana kara grha nåhi°||3||
tå kara duta anala jehi sirijå,jarå na so tehi kårana girijå||
ulati palati lamkå saba jåri, kudi parå puni simdhu majhåri||4|

Hanuman Burns Down Lanka

Hanuman Leaps Into The Ocean
Doha: 26
pu°cha bujhåi khoi srama dhari laghu rupa bahori|
janakasutå ke° åge° thåRha bhayau kara jori||26||

Hanuman Stands Before Janaki With Folded Hands
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