jau° na hoti sitå sudhi påi,madhubana ke phala sakahi ki khåi||
ehi bidhi mana bicåra kara råjå, åi gae kapi sahita samåjå||1||
åi sabanhi nåvå pada siså,mileu sabanhi ati prema kapiså||
pu°chi kusala kusala pada dekhi, rama krpå° bha kåju bisesi||2||
nåtha kåju kinheu hanumånå,råkhe sakala kapinha ke prånå||
suni sugriva bahuri tehi mileu,kapinha sahita raghupati pahi caleu||3||
råma kapinha jaba åvata dekhå,kie° kåju mana harasa biseså||
phatika silå baithe dvau bhåi,pare sakala kapi carananhi jåi||4||

Doha: 29
priti sahita saba bhete raghupati karunå pumja |
pu°chi kusala nåtha aba kusala dekhi pada kamja||29||

The all-compassionate, Lord of the Raghus met everyone by hugging them affectionately and inquired about their well-being.(The monkeys exulted), "All is well now that we have seen your lotus feet."
jåmavamta kaha sunu raghuråyå,jå para nåtha karahu tumha dåyå||
tåhi sadå subha kusala niramtara,sura nara muni prasanna tå upara||1||
soi bijai binai guna sågara,tåsu sujasu trailoka ujågara||
prabhu ki ° krpå bhayau sabu kåju, janma hamåra suphala bhå åju||2||
nåtha pavanasuta kinhi jo karani,sahasahu° mukha na jåi so barani||
pavanatanaya ke carita suhåe,jåmavamta raghupatihi sunåe||3||
sunata krpånidhi mana ati bhåe,puni hanumåna harasi hiya°låe||
kahahu tåta kehi bhå°ti jånaki,rahati karati racchå svapråna ki||4||

Jambavant said," Oh Chief of the Raghus!Listen, Oh Lord!The one on whom you bestow your blessings is forever prosperous and eternally happy. Deities, human beings and sages are all pleased with him. He is the one who is triumphant, humble and soon becomes an ocean of virtues. His splendid fame radiates in all the three lokas (cosmological regions).The entire mission could be carried out due to the Lord's grace and our birth has been a success today. Oh Lord! The valiant deeds of Hanuman, son of the Wind God, can not be described by even a thousand mouths."

Doha: 30
nåma påharu divasa nisi dhyåna tumhåra kapåta|
locana nija pada jamtrita jåhi pråna kehi båta||30||

ehi bidhi mana bicåra kara råjå, åi gae kapi sahita samåjå||1||
åi sabanhi nåvå pada siså,mileu sabanhi ati prema kapiså||
pu°chi kusala kusala pada dekhi, rama krpå° bha kåju bisesi||2||
nåtha kåju kinheu hanumånå,råkhe sakala kapinha ke prånå||
suni sugriva bahuri tehi mileu,kapinha sahita raghupati pahi caleu||3||
råma kapinha jaba åvata dekhå,kie° kåju mana harasa biseså||
phatika silå baithe dvau bhåi,pare sakala kapi carananhi jåi||4||

The Monkeys Rave About Hanuman's Bravery
Could they relish the fruits of Madhuvana if they had not got news of Sita.King Sugriva was reflecting in this fashion when the monkeys arrived with their community. All of them came and bowed their heads at the feet of Sugriva, Lord of the monkeys, who met everyone very lovingly. He asked about their well- being (that is when the monkeys answered), “All is well since we have had darshan of your feet now. The task has been excellently accomplished due to the the grace of Lord Rama. Your majesty!It was Hanuman who did all the action and saved lives of the monkeys."

Sugriva and Hanuman Rush to Meet Rama & Lakshman
Hearing this, Sugriva embraced Hanuman once again and headed towards the Lord of the Raghus with the monkeys. Lord Rama was particularly delighted at heart to see them approach after accomplishing their mission. Both the brothers were seated on a rock of crystal and the monkeys went and fell at their feet.
Doha: 29
priti sahita saba bhete raghupati karunå pumja |
pu°chi kusala nåtha aba kusala dekhi pada kamja||29||

The Lotus Feet of Lord Rama
jåmavamta kaha sunu raghuråyå,jå para nåtha karahu tumha dåyå||
tåhi sadå subha kusala niramtara,sura nara muni prasanna tå upara||1||
soi bijai binai guna sågara,tåsu sujasu trailoka ujågara||
prabhu ki ° krpå bhayau sabu kåju, janma hamåra suphala bhå åju||2||
nåtha pavanasuta kinhi jo karani,sahasahu° mukha na jåi so barani||
pavanatanaya ke carita suhåe,jåmavamta raghupatihi sunåe||3||
sunata krpånidhi mana ati bhåe,puni hanumåna harasi hiya°låe||
kahahu tåta kehi bhå°ti jånaki,rahati karati racchå svapråna ki||4||

Jambavant Sings the Glories of Lord Rama & Praises Hanuman

Lord Rama Hugs Hanuman
Thereupon Jambavant narrated the beautiful character (exploits) of Hanuman to Lord of the Raghus.On hearing this portrayal, Lord Ramchandra, the trove of mercy, was delighted. Joyously he hugged Hanuman to his heart once again and asked, “Oh dear! Tell me how Sita passes her days and protects her life.”
Doha: 30
nåma påharu divasa nisi dhyåna tumhåra kapåta|
locana nija pada jamtrita jåhi pråna kehi båta||30||

The Name of Rama Guards Sita
(Hanuman said) "Your name guards her day in and day out, and meditating upon you works as a door. Janaki's eyes are focused on her feet, and this is the lock which has been fastened. In that case from which path can she give up her life.
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