taba lagi hrdaya° basata khala nånå,lobha moha macchara mada månå||
jaba lagi ura na basata raghunåthå,dhare° cåpa såyaka kati bhåthå||1||
mamatå taruna tami a°dhiåri, råga dvesa uluka sukhakåri||
taba lagi basati jiva mana måhi°, jaba lagi prabhu pratåpa rabi nåhi°||2||
aba mai kusala mite bhaya bhåre,dekhi råma pada kamala tumhåre||
tumha krpåla jå para anukulå,tåhi na byåpa tribidha bhava sulå||3||
mai nisicara ati adhama subhåu,subha åcaranu kinha nahi kåu||
jåsu rupa muni dhyåna na åvå,tehi prabhu harasi hrdaya° mohi låvå||4||

ahobhågya mama amita ati råma krpå sukha pumja|
dekheu° nayana biramci siva sebya jugala pada kamja||47||

“Oh Lord Rama, the repository of mercy and bliss! I am extremely fortunate to have seen the pair of lotus feet which are adulated by Brahma and Shiva as well.”
sunahu sakhå nija kahau° subhåu,jåna bhusumdi sambhu girijåu||
jau° nara hoi caråcara drohi,åvai sabhaya sarana taki mohi||1||
taji mada moha kapata chala nånå,karau° sadya tehi sådhu samånå||
janani janaka bamdhu suta dårå,tanu dhanu bhavana suhrda parivårå||2||
saba kai mamatå tåga batori,mama pada manahi bå°dha bari dori||
samadarasi icchå kachu nåhi,° harasa soka bhaya nahi mana måhi°||3||
asa sajjana mama ura basa kaise°, lobh hrdaya° basai dhanu jaise° ||
tumha sårikhe samta priya more°, dharau°deha nahi åna nihore°||4||

(Lord Rama said) "Listen, my friend! I am going to reveal my nature which is known to Lord Shiva and Parvati as well as

Kak Bhushundi. Even if any man who has been absolutely hostile to the entire animate and inanimate world, is terrified and comes seeking my protection after discarding intoxication and infatuation,and such other deceitful acts, I speedily make him very much like a saint.

Doha: 48
saguna upåsaka parahita nirata niti drRha nema|
te nara pråna samåna mama jinha ke° dvija pada prema||48||

taba lagi hrdaya° basata khala nånå,lobha moha macchara mada månå||
jaba lagi ura na basata raghunåthå,dhare° cåpa såyaka kati bhåthå||1||
mamatå taruna tami a°dhiåri, råga dvesa uluka sukhakåri||
taba lagi basati jiva mana måhi°, jaba lagi prabhu pratåpa rabi nåhi°||2||
aba mai kusala mite bhaya bhåre,dekhi råma pada kamala tumhåre||
tumha krpåla jå para anukulå,tåhi na byåpa tribidha bhava sulå||3||
mai nisicara ati adhama subhåu,subha åcaranu kinha nahi kåu||
jåsu rupa muni dhyåna na åvå,tehi prabhu harasi hrdaya° mohi låvå||4||

Lord Rama Dwells in our Heart & Dispels Vices
“Greed, infatuation, envy, intoxication, pride and several other vices can reside in our heart as long as the Lord of the Raghus does not dwell there, carrying a bow and arrow along with a quiver fastened at His waist. Attachment is just like a pitch dark night which imparts joy to the owls of love and hatred.It (the night of attachment) abides in the heart of a living being until the sun of Your glory does not rise there."

Lotus Feet of Lord Rama
"Having had darshan of your lotus feet, oh Lord Rama, I am fine now and my grave fears have vanished. Oh merciful One!The three kinds of worldly tortures (spiritual, occurring by chance and materialistic) do not have any effect on him who enjoys Your favour,Oh merciful Lord! I am the most wicked of demons and have never done any good deed. The One whose form can not come to the mind of even sages, being pleased that Lord has hugged me to his heart Himself.”
ahobhågya mama amita ati råma krpå sukha pumja|
dekheu° nayana biramci siva sebya jugala pada kamja||47||

Lord Shiva & Brahma, the Creator
sunahu sakhå nija kahau° subhåu,jåna bhusumdi sambhu girijåu||
jau° nara hoi caråcara drohi,åvai sabhaya sarana taki mohi||1||
taji mada moha kapata chala nånå,karau° sadya tehi sådhu samånå||
janani janaka bamdhu suta dårå,tanu dhanu bhavana suhrda parivårå||2||
saba kai mamatå tåga batori,mama pada manahi bå°dha bari dori||
samadarasi icchå kachu nåhi,° harasa soka bhaya nahi mana måhi°||3||
asa sajjana mama ura basa kaise°, lobh hrdaya° basai dhanu jaise° ||
tumha sårikhe samta priya more°, dharau°deha nahi åna nihore°||4||

Lord Shiva & Parvati, His Consort

Kak Bhushundi Singing the Glories of Lord Rama

Lord Rama Incarnates for Saints
Gathering the threads of affection which bind a man to his mother, father,brother, son, wife, body, wealth, house, friends and family and twisting it into a string, when he attaches his mind to my feet through this act (makes me the centre point of all personal relationships in this mundane world); the one who is impartial, has no desire and whose mind is stripped of joy, grief and fear. Such a noble person dwells in My heart just as wealth abides in the heart of a greedy person. Only saints of your kind are dear to Me. I do not incarnate for the sake of obliging (being grateful to) anyone else.
Doha: 48
saguna upåsaka parahita nirata niti drRha nema|
te nara pråna samåna mama jinha ke° dvija pada prema||48||

A Devout Brahmin
Those who are devotees worshipping my virtuous (incarnate form), are busy working for the good of others, firmly follow ethics and conventional norms, and those who love the feet of brahmins, are dear to me like My own life.
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