Baal samai ravi bhakshi liyo tab, teenahu loka bhayo andhiyaro |
Taahi so traas bhayo jag ko, yah sankat kaahu so jaat na taaro |
Dewan aani kari bintee tab, chaadhi diyo ravi kasht niwaaro ||
Ko nahin jaanat hai jag mein kapi sankat mochan naam tihaaro||1||
Baali ki traas kapees basai giri, jaat mahaaprabhu panth nihaaro |
Chownki mahaa muni saap diyo tab chahiy kaun bichaar bichaaro |
Kai dwij roop liwaay mahaa prabhu so tum daas ke sok niwaaro ||
Ko nahin jaanat hai jag mein kapi sankat mochan naam tiharo ||2||
Angad ke sang lain gaye siya, khoj kapees yah baain uchaaro |
jeevat na bachihau hum son ju, bina sudhi laay ehaan pagu dhaaro |
Hayri thake tatt sindhu sabaai tab laay siya-sudhi praan ubaaro ||
Ko nahin jaanat hai jag mein kapi sankat mochan naam tiharo ||3||
Raavan traas dayee siya ko sab, raakshashi so kahi sok nivaaro |
Taahi samay hanuman mahaprabhu, Jaay mahaa rajneechar maaro ||
Chaahat seeya asoka so aagi su, dai prabhu mudrika soka nivaaro ||
Ko nahin jaanat hai jag mein kapi sankat mochan naam tihaaro ||4||
Baan lagyo ur lakshiman ke tab, praan taje sut raavan maaro |
Lai griha baidya sushen samet, tabai giri dron su beer upaaro |
Aani sajeewan hath dayee taba lakshiman ke tum praan upaaro|
Ko nahin jaanat hai jag mein kapi sankat mochan naam tihaaro||5||
Raavan yudh ajaan kiyo tab, naag ki phaas sabhi sir daaro |
Sri Raghunath samet sabai dal, moh bhayo yah sankat bhaaro |
Aani khagesh tabai hanumaan ju, bandhan kaati sutraas nivaaro |
Ko nahin jaanat hai jag mein kapi sankat mochan naam tiharo ||6||
Bandhu samet jabai ahiraavan, lai raghunath pataal sidhaaro |
Devhi puji bhalee vidhi so bali, deu sabai mili mantra vichaaro |
Jaay sahaay bhayo tab hi ahiraavan sainya samet sanhaaro |
Ko nahin jaanat hai jag mein kapi sankat mochan naam tihaaro ||7||
Kaaj kiye barh dewan kei tum, beer mahaaprabhu dekhi bichaaro |
Kaun so sankat mohin gareeb ko, jo tumso nahin jaat hai taaro |
Begi haro hanumaan mahaprabhu jo kuch sankat hoya hamaaro |
Ko nahin jaanat hai jag mein kapi sankat mochan naam tiharo ||8||
Laal deh laalee lase, aru dhari laal langoor |
Bajra deh daanavdalan, jai jai jai kapi soor ||
jai hanumanji ki jai... hanuman chalisa for all
Nice post of hanuman chalisaadmin. Keep it up.
nice post
hanuman chalisa jai hanuman gi ki
Great Jai Hanuman ji ki
Great. jai Hanuman
Thank you adding the Hanuman Chlisa in details..
Jai Shree Hanuman..
Hanuman is the one of the most popular God in India.. He is also called the Anjani Putr and Many peoples are devotees. Peoples are also telling that when you are having any problem or trouble then you can just chant the Hanuman Chalisa to get more relief from the situation.
Looking for the Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics in pdf then you can get a small book from store or you can search with Google. Read the Hanuman Chalisa
Wonderful post. Thanks for sharing the English translation of Hanuman Ashtak.
Hanuman is the one of the most popular God in India.. He is also called the Anjani Putr and Many peoples are devotees. Peoples are also telling that when
hanuman chalisa
very nice post! Hanuman chalisa is my favorite mantra, Every day at least once I chant hanuman chalisa so that I get the strength to fight any thing.
Jai shri ram... Jai hanuman
Jai bajarangi jai hanuman
Baba teri kya pehchan
Laal langot laal nishan🙏
Nice post on hanuman Ashtak with explanation.
hey guys! Do you know which Chaupai(verses) of Hanuman Chalisa is explained the distance between Sun and Earth? | No
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Thanks for the post Sankat Mochan Hanuman Ashtak in english with Amazing explanation.
it's very helpfull for me.Reading Hanuman chalisa in english & hanuman Ashtak everyday is very fruitful.
I am sumati Pattnayak I am from orrisa India and my daughter always speaks Hanuman astak and chalisa
The more you think - you can know all about the India, the more strange cultures and festivals come into contact. Hinduism is really a very vast religion comprises of various different festivals. But I like Rakshabandhan
hanuman chalisa lyrics
the most as it is related to the unconditional true love and bondage between brother and sister.
Jai shri hanuman
Jai Shree Hanumaan Ki Jai
Wow.. श्री हनुमान चालीसा is the powerful Mantra to get detailed information...
Wow.. Thank you for sharing Hanuman Ashtak Lyrics with detailed reviews..
Hanuman Chalisa also Most powerful Mantra ...
Thanks your for Sharing info Hanuman ashtak with details
Jai Shree Ram 🕉🚩 Om Shree Maha Hanumanthae Namaha 🚩🕉
पवनपुत्र हनुमान जी महाबलवान अष्ट सिद्धि नव निधि के दाता है और कलियुग में जाग्रत देवता है . हनुमान चालीसा का पाठ हर भारतीय को करना चाहिए . यह सर्व सुख देने वाला है .
हनुमान जी को सबसे ज्यादा कोई पाठ पसंद है वो है हनुमान चालीसा का महत्व हिन्दू धर्म में अत्यंत है , हर हनुमंत भक्त को हर दिन एक बार हनुमान चालीसा का पाठ करना ही चाहिए .
Jay Shree Raam
Jai shree Ram. Jai Hanuman
Laal deh laalee lase, aru dhari laal langoor |
Bajra deh daanavdalan, jai jai jai kapi soor ||
Hanuman chalisa is my favorite mantra, Every day at least once I chant hanuman chalisa so that I get the strength to fight any thing.
I like this bcz it usefull for me
Jai Sri ram Jai Sri Hanuman 🕉🙏
জয় সীয়াবর রামচন্দ্র কি! জয় শ্রী রাম! 🧡
জয় হনুমান... 🧡
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