e kapi saba sugriva samånå,inha sama kotinha ganai ko nånå||
råma krpå° atulita bala tinhahi,° trna samåna trailokahi ganahi°||1||
asa mai sunå sravana dasakamdhara,paduma athåraha juthapa bamdara||
nåtha kataka maha° so kapi nåhi,° jo na tumhahi jitai rana måhi°||2||
parama krodha mijahi saba håthå,åyasu pai na dehi raghunåthå||
sosahi simdhu sahita jhasa byålå,purahi na ta bhari kudhara bisålå||3||
mardi garda milavahi dasasiså,aisei bacana kahahi saba kiså||
garjahi tarjahi sahaja asamkå,månahu° grasana cahata hahi lamkå||4||

Doha: 55
sahaja sura kapi bhålu saba puni sira para prabhu råma|
råvana kåla koti kahu° jiti sakahi samgråma||55||

"All the monkeys and bears are valiant heroes by instinct and above all they have Lord Rama close at hand (to protect them.) Oh Ravana!They can triumph over millions of kaals (a title of Yama, the king of the dead) in battle. "
råma teja bala budhi bipulåi, sesa sahasa sata sakahi na gåi||
saka sara eka sosi sata sågara, tava bhråtahi pu°cheu naya någara||1||
tåsu bacana suni sågara påhi, mågata pamtha krpå mana måhi°||
sunata bacana bihaså dasasiså, jau° asi mati sahåya krta kiså||2||
sahaja bhiru kara bacana drRhåi, sågara sana thåni macalåi||
muRha mrså kå karasi baRåi, ripu bala buddhi thåha mai påi||3||
saciva sabhita bibhisana jåke°,bijaya bibhuti kahå° jaga tåke°||
suni khala bacana duta risa båRhi, samaya bicåri patrikå kåRhi||4||
råmånuja dinhi yaha påti, nåtha bacåi juRåvahu chåti||
bihasi båma kara linhi råvana, saciva boli satha låga bacåvana||5

Ravana laughed boisterously on hearing the envoy's words (and said) “It is because of such intellect that He (Rama) made the monkeys his allies.That is why following the advice of Vibhishana who is a coward by birth, He is adamant in making a demand of the ocean (like a stubborn child).Oh fool!Why do you falsely praise the enemy? Well I have gauged the depth of the enemy's (Rama) might and wisdom. How can He who has a cowardly counsellor like Vibhishana come by triumph and glory in this world.”

The envoy flared up on hearing the words of wicked Ravana!Considering it to be an opportune moment he took out the letter (from Lakshmana). And said, “Lakshmana, the younger brother of Rama has given me this note.Have it read through, Oh Lord, and calm your heart!”Laughing, Ravana took it with his left hand and calling for the minister, the wretch asked him to read it out.
Doha: 56
båtanha manahi rijhåi satha jani ghålasi kula khisa|
råma birodha na ubarasi sarana bisnu aja isa||56(A)||
ki taji måna anuja iva prabhu pada pamkaja bhrmga|
hohi ki råma sarånala khala kula sahita patamga||56(B)||

råma krpå° atulita bala tinhahi,° trna samåna trailokahi ganahi°||1||
asa mai sunå sravana dasakamdhara,paduma athåraha juthapa bamdara||
nåtha kataka maha° so kapi nåhi,° jo na tumhahi jitai rana måhi°||2||
parama krodha mijahi saba håthå,åyasu pai na dehi raghunåthå||
sosahi simdhu sahita jhasa byålå,purahi na ta bhari kudhara bisålå||3||
mardi garda milavahi dasasiså,aisei bacana kahahi saba kiså||
garjahi tarjahi sahaja asamkå,månahu° grasana cahata hahi lamkå||4||

Mighty Sugriva Fighting Bali
All these monkeys are equivalent to Sugriva in might and there are not just one or two but millions of them; who can possibly count their lot?They are unparalleled in strength by the grace of Lord Rama and consider the three lokas (cosmological regions) equivalent to a blade of grass (worthless.)Oh ten-necked one! I have heard with my ears that eighteen padmas (valiant warriors) are the commanders of the monkey forces, alone.Oh Lord, there is no monkey in that army who can not triumph over you in battle.

Monkeys Want to Fill the Ocean with Boulders
All of them are rubbing their hands in intense fury but the Lord of the Raghus does not give them permission (to march ahead.) “We shall suck dry the ocean swarming with fishes and snakes or else fill it with huge boulders(flatten it.) And crushing Ravana, reduce him to dust.” The hordes of monkeys are uttering such words. All of them are fearless by temperament,and thunder as well as shout aggressively as if they want to devour Lanka.
sahaja sura kapi bhålu saba puni sira para prabhu råma|
råvana kåla koti kahu° jiti sakahi samgråma||55||

The Troops of Monkeys & Bears
råma teja bala budhi bipulåi, sesa sahasa sata sakahi na gåi||
saka sara eka sosi sata sågara, tava bhråtahi pu°cheu naya någara||1||
tåsu bacana suni sågara påhi, mågata pamtha krpå mana måhi°||
sunata bacana bihaså dasasiså, jau° asi mati sahåya krta kiså||2||
sahaja bhiru kara bacana drRhåi, sågara sana thåni macalåi||
muRha mrså kå karasi baRåi, ripu bala buddhi thåha mai påi||3||
saciva sabhita bibhisana jåke°,bijaya bibhuti kahå° jaga tåke°||
suni khala bacana duta risa båRhi, samaya bicåri patrikå kåRhi||4||
råmånuja dinhi yaha påti, nåtha bacåi juRåvahu chåti||
bihasi båma kara linhi råvana, saciva boli satha låga bacåvana||5

Sheshnaag, the Thousand-headed Snake
"Even hundreds of thousands of Sheshas (a thousand-headed snake on which Vishnu sleeps throughout periods of dissolution of the world, symbol of eternity) can not sing of Lord Rama's brilliance (competence), strength and intelligence.With a single arrow He can dry up hundreds of oceans, but having expertise in political wisdom, (for safeguarding ethics), He consulted your brother for a solution.And abiding by what your brother suggested, He is asking the ocean for a passage. His mind is full of loving tenderness (that is why he doesn't dry up the waters.)"

Lord Rama

Lakshmana, the Younger Brother of Lord Rama
Doha: 56
båtanha manahi rijhåi satha jani ghålasi kula khisa|
råma birodha na ubarasi sarana bisnu aja isa||56(A)||
ki taji måna anuja iva prabhu pada pamkaja bhrmga|
hohi ki råma sarånala khala kula sahita patamga||56(B)||

Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh
(It was written in the letter) “Delighting yourself by mere talks, Oh fool, do not completely ruin your race. You will not be spared if you are hostile to Lord Rama, even if you seek the refuge of Vishnu, Brahma and Mahesh. Therefore either become a black bee of Lord Rama's lotus feet, by abandoning arrogance like Vibhishana, your younger brother. Or else,Oh wicked one!Becoming a moth along with your family burn in the fire of Lord Rama's arrows.” (Do whatever you like better of the two.)
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