tåta råma nahi nara bhupålå,bhuvanesvara kålahu kara kålå||
brahma anåmaya aja bhagavamtå,byåpaka ajita anådi anamtå||1||
go dvija dhenu deva hitakåri,krpå simdhu månusa tanudhåri||
jana ramjana bhamjana khala bråtå,beda dharma racchaka sunu bhråtå||2||
tåhi bayaru taji nåia måthå,pranatårati bhamjana raghunåthå||
dehu nåtha prabhu kahu° baidehi,bhajahu råma binu hetu sanehi||3||
sarana gae° prabhu tåhu na tyågå,bisva droha krta agha jehi lågå||
jåsu nåma traya tåpa nasåvana,soi prabhu pragata samujhu jiya° råvana||4||

parihari måna moha mada bhajahu kosalådhisa||39(A)||
muni pulasti nija sisya sana kahi pathai yaha båta|
turata so mai prabhu sana kahi påi suavasaru tåta||39(B)||

målyavamta ati saciva sayånå,tåsu bacana suni ati sukha månå||
tåta anuja tava niti bibhusana,so ura dharahu jo kahata bibhisana||1||
ripu utakarasa kahata satha dou,duri na karahu ihå° hai kou||
målyavamta grha gayau bahori,kahai bibhisanu puni kara jori||2||
sumati kumati saba ke° ura rahahi,° nåtha puråna nigama asa kahahi°||
jahå° sumati taha° sampati nånå, jahå° kumati taha°bipati nidånå||3||
tava ura kumati basi biparitå, hita anahita månahu ripu pritå||
kålaråti nisicara kula keri, tehi sitå para priti ghaneri||4||

Thus you have become very fond of Sita who can be equated to *kaalratri (night of destruction) for the race of demons.
*Kaalratri means the night preceding the destruction of the universe at the end of a kalpa (time span of the universe's life.
Doha: 40
tåta carana gahi mågau° råkhahu mora dulåra|
sitå dehu råma kahu° ahita na hoi tumhåra||40||

brahma anåmaya aja bhagavamtå,byåpaka ajita anådi anamtå||1||
go dvija dhenu deva hitakåri,krpå simdhu månusa tanudhåri||
jana ramjana bhamjana khala bråtå,beda dharma racchaka sunu bhråtå||2||
tåhi bayaru taji nåia måthå,pranatårati bhamjana raghunåthå||
dehu nåtha prabhu kahu° baidehi,bhajahu råma binu hetu sanehi||3||
sarana gae° prabhu tåhu na tyågå,bisva droha krta agha jehi lågå||
jåsu nåma traya tåpa nasåvana,soi prabhu pragata samujhu jiya° råvana||4||

Lord Vishnu, the All Pervading Spirit of the Universe
Oh dear brother!Lord Rama is not merely a king of humans. He is Lord of the entire universe and kaal, the eventual destiny of death itself. He is God who is the repository of absolute grandeur, fame, prosperity, religion, renunciation and knowledge.Being beyond maya, Rama is the unborn, all-pervading, invincible, absolute Brahma (the all pervading spirit of the universe) without a beginning or end. God who is an ocean of compassion has assumed the form of a human being to bring about the well-being of the earth, brahmins, cows and the gods. Listen,oh brother!

Lord of the Raghus, is Vishnu Incarnate
He delights his devotees, destroys factions of the wicked and is a protector of the Vedas along with religion. Discarding enmity, bow your head to him.The very same Lord of the Rahus gets rid of the sorrows of those who seek refuge in him. Oh master!Give back that Lord's (Supreme Being's) Janaki, and worship Him who loves us for no self-interest of His.On seeking refuge,The Lord does not even forsake him who has committed the sin of harbouring ill feelings for the entire world. Oh Ravana, grasp this fact in your heart that the Lord whose name destroys the threefold suffering has incarnated as a human being.
Doha: 39
båra båra pada lågau° binaya karau° dasasisa|parihari måna moha mada bhajahu kosalådhisa||39(A)||
muni pulasti nija sisya sana kahi pathai yaha båta|
turata so mai prabhu sana kahi påi suavasaru tåta||39(B)||

Pulastya Rishi
Oh ten-headed one! I plead and repeatedly fall at your feet that abandoning pride, infatuation and intoxication, you worship Rama, the Lord of Kosala.The sage Pulastya (our grandfather) has had this message sent through his disciple. Oh brother, finding a golden opportunity I have immediately conveyed that truth to you.
målyavamta ati saciva sayånå,tåsu bacana suni ati sukha månå||
tåta anuja tava niti bibhusana,so ura dharahu jo kahata bibhisana||1||
ripu utakarasa kahata satha dou,duri na karahu ihå° hai kou||
målyavamta grha gayau bahori,kahai bibhisanu puni kara jori||2||
sumati kumati saba ke° ura rahahi,° nåtha puråna nigama asa kahahi°||
jahå° sumati taha° sampati nånå, jahå° kumati taha°bipati nidånå||3||
tava ura kumati basi biparitå, hita anahita månahu ripu pritå||
kålaråti nisicara kula keri, tehi sitå para priti ghaneri||4||

Vibhishana Begs Ravana to Return Sita
Råvana had a very wise minister by the name of Malyavan. He was very grateful to hear the words of Vibhishana (and said)," Oh dear son! Your younger brother is an ornament of political wisdom (is very discreet.)Therefore take note of whatever Vibhisana says.((Ravana fumed)" Both of these fools are busy glorifying the enemy.Is there anyone here? Move them out of my sight!"Thereupon Malyavan returned home but Vibhishana entreated again with folded hands.

The Puranas and Vedas
Oh Lord! The Puranas and Vedas proclaim that good sense and foolishness dwell in everyone's heart. Various kinds of prosperity (joyous state) reigns where there is wisdom and misfortune (sorrow)is inevitable where there is wickedness. Perverse thoughts are dwelling in your heart and that is why you are considering what is good for you as harmful and your enemies as friends.
Thus you have become very fond of Sita who can be equated to *kaalratri (night of destruction) for the race of demons.
*Kaalratri means the night preceding the destruction of the universe at the end of a kalpa (time span of the universe's life.
Doha: 40
tåta carana gahi mågau° råkhahu mora dulåra|
sitå dehu råma kahu° ahita na hoi tumhåra||40||

Lord Rama and Sita, His Consort
Oh dear brother! Clutching your feet, I beg of you (beseech you) to grant this token of affection (lovingly accept the insistence of this child.)Return Sita to Rama so that no harm may befall you.
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