kaha lamkesa kavana tai kiså,kehi ke° bala ghålehi bana khiså||
ki dhau° sravana sunehi nahi mohi,dekhau°ati asamka satha tohi||1||
måre nisicara kehi aparådhå,kahu satha tohi na pråna kai bådhå||
sunu råvana brahmåmda nikåyå,påi jåsu bala biracati måyå||2||
jåke° bala biramci hari iså,pålata srjata harata dasasiså||
jå bala sisa dharata sahasånana,amdakosa sameta giri kånana||3||
dharai jo bibidha deha suratråtå,tumha se sathanha sikhåvanu dåtå||
hara kodamda kathina jehi bhamjå,tehi sameta nrpa dala mada gamjå||4||
khara dusana trisirå aru båli,badhe sakala atulita balasåli||5||
Ravana, the king of Lanka said, “Who are you, oh monkey?By whose might have you wrecked havoc in the jungle and destroyed it. Have you never heard of my name (fame and glory)?Oh rogue, I can see that you are extremely fearless.You killed the demons for which offence?Oh fool! Tell me, aren't you scared of losing your life?” (Hanuman replied) “Listen, oh Ravana!By acquiring whose power, maya creates a whole lot of universes. Oh ten-headed one,by whose might Brahma,Vishnu and Mahesh carry on their respective duties of creating, preserving and destroying creation;

who killed Khara, Dushana,Trishira and Bali, all unequalled in might.
jåke bala lavalesa te° jitehu caråcara jhåri|
tåsu duta mai jå kari hari ånehu priya nåri||21||

jånau°mai tumhåri prabhutåi,sahasabåhu sana pari laråi||
samara båli sana kari jasu påvå,suni kapi bacana bihasi biharåvå||1||
khåyau° phala prabhu lågi bhu°khå,kapi subhåva te° toreu° rukhå||
saba ke°deha parama priya svåmi,mårahi mohi kumåraga gåmi||2||
jinha mohi mårå te mai måre,tehi para bå°dheu° tanaya° tumhåre||
mohi na kachu bå°dhe kai låjå,kinha cahau° nija prabhu kara kåjå||3||
binati karau° jori kara råvana,sunahu måna taji mora sikhåvana||
dekhahu tumha nija kulahi bicåri,bhrama taji bhajahu bhagata bhaya håri||4||
jåke° dara ati kåla deråi, jo sura asura caråcara khåi||
tåso° bayaru kabahu° nahi kijai,more kahe° jånaki dijai||5||

Doha: 22
pranatapåla raghunåyaka karunå simdhu kharåri|
gae° sarana prabhu råkhihai tava aparådha bisåri||22||
Lord Raghunath, the slayer of Khara, is the protector of those who take refuge in him and an ocean of compassion.On seeking his shelter, the Lord will forget your offence and take you in his refuge."
kaha lamkesa kavana tai kiså,kehi ke° bala ghålehi bana khiså||
ki dhau° sravana sunehi nahi mohi,dekhau°ati asamka satha tohi||1||
måre nisicara kehi aparådhå,kahu satha tohi na pråna kai bådhå||
sunu råvana brahmåmda nikåyå,påi jåsu bala biracati måyå||2||
jåke° bala biramci hari iså,pålata srjata harata dasasiså||
jå bala sisa dharata sahasånana,amdakosa sameta giri kånana||3||
dharai jo bibidha deha suratråtå,tumha se sathanha sikhåvanu dåtå||
hara kodamda kathina jehi bhamjå,tehi sameta nrpa dala mada gamjå||4||
khara dusana trisirå aru båli,badhe sakala atulita balasåli||5||
Hanuman, Captured and Presented In Ravana's Court

Sheshnag,the Thousand-Headed Snake
by whose might the thousand-headed snake (regarded as the symbol of eternity on which Vishnu sleeps throughout periods of dissolution of the world) carries the entire world along with mountains and forests on its head; the Supreme Being who assumes various forms for the protection of deities,and who often teaches a lesson to fools like you; who broke the tough bow of Lord Shiva and simultaneously crushed the pride of assembled kings;

The Killing of Bali\
jåke bala lavalesa te° jitehu caråcara jhåri|
tåsu duta mai jå kari hari ånehu priya nåri||21||

Ravana Abducting Devi Sita
Due to a fragment of His might you were able to conquer the animate and inanimate world in its entirety and whose wife you have abducted stealthily,I am an envoy of the same Lord.
jånau°mai tumhåri prabhutåi,sahasabåhu sana pari laråi||
samara båli sana kari jasu påvå,suni kapi bacana bihasi biharåvå||1||
khåyau° phala prabhu lågi bhu°khå,kapi subhåva te° toreu° rukhå||
saba ke°deha parama priya svåmi,mårahi mohi kumåraga gåmi||2||
jinha mohi mårå te mai måre,tehi para bå°dheu° tanaya° tumhåre||
mohi na kachu bå°dhe kai låjå,kinha cahau° nija prabhu kara kåjå||3||
binati karau° jori kara råvana,sunahu måna taji mora sikhåvana||
dekhahu tumha nija kulahi bicåri,bhrama taji bhajahu bhagata bhaya håri||4||
jåke° dara ati kåla deråi, jo sura asura caråcara khåi||
tåso° bayaru kabahu° nahi kijai,more kahe° jånaki dijai||5||

The Many-Armed Ravana
I very well know of your majestic glory.You fought with your sahasrabahu or multiple arms and acquired fame by warring with Bali. "Hearing the knowledgeable words of Hanuman, Ravana evaded the matter by laughing it away. “Oh master of the demons! I ate the fruits because I was ravenous and uprooted the trees due to a monkey's inherent trait. Oh lord of the devious!The body is supremely dear to everyone. When evil demons following the wicked path began to beat me up then I had no other recourse but to hit those who attacked me.Thereupon your son (Meghnath) tied me in fetters but I am least ashamed of being bound.I am just concerned about accomplishing the task of my Lord.
Oh Ravana, I entreat you with folded hands! Abandoning your arrogance, listen to my advice. Reflecting upon your pure lineage and discarding misapprehension, worship the Lord who dispels the fears of his devotees.Never antagonise the Lord who terrorizes even kaal or time (of death) which devours animate and inanimate beings, gods as well as demons.And return Janaki, at my behest.
Doha: 22
pranatapåla raghunåyaka karunå simdhu kharåri|
gae° sarana prabhu råkhihai tava aparådha bisåri||22||
Lord Raghunath, the Slayer of Khara
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