Shriji Worried About Radha Baba's Maun
He used to recite the following pada of Shri Chaturbhuj Dasji during that period, all the time:
Goverdhanvasi Krishna
' shri goverdhanvasi sanware tum binu rahayo na jaya ||
shri rrajraj ladeite ladile,
bank chitai musikaya ken sunder badan dikhaye ||
lochan talphen meen jyon pal chhinu kalpa vihay ||1||
saptak swar bandhan soun mohan vennu bajaye,
surat suhai bandhiken mudhure madhure gaye ||2||
rasik raseele bolani giri chadi gaye bulaye,
gang bulayee dhumaree unche teri sunaye ||3||
dristi pare ja diwas soun tabte ruche na aan,
rajni neend na aavai bisrayo bhojan pan ||4||
darshan kon nayana tape vachan sunnan kon kaan,
milive kon hiyara tapen jiye ke jeevan pran ||5||
mann abhilasha hai rahee lage na nayan nimesh,
ek tak dekhon bhanvatou nagar natwar vesh ||6||
puran shashi mukh dekhke chit chohantyo va aur,
roop sudha ras pan kon sadar kumud chokor ||7||
lok laj kul kaani hum chhandyou sukal vivek,
kamal kali ravi jyon badai chhin chhin preeti vishesh ||8||
manmath kotik varnen dekhi dagmagi chaal,
yuvati jan man fandna ambuj nayan vishal ||9||
yeh rat lagee ladile jaise chatak more,
prem neer varsha karou nav ghan nandkishore ||10||
kunj bhawan kridha karou sukhnidhi madangopal,
hum vrindavan malti tum bhogi bhramar bhuwal ||11||
yug-yug avichal rajiyaun yeh sukh sail niwas,
goverdandhar roop pae bali jaye chaturbhujdas ||12|| '
which means:
' O dark-complexioned One,
Resident of Shri Goverdhan, it is not possible to live without You. The spoiled darling
son of Braj, smiling with a sidelong glance is your beautiful face. My eyes
writhe like a fish out of water, any moment spent in separation from you seems
like a kalpa. O Mohan! You enchantingly captivate our ears by playing the flute
with all the seven swaras.
Krishna's Flute Play Calls the Cows
You climb the hill top and call out to the
cows with a sweet voice. Clouds have caused dimness so You give a low call on
the flute. Nothing is appealing since the day You came in; I can’t get sleep at night, and eating as
well as drinking have been forgotten. Eyes yearn to catch a glimpse of You and
ears long to hear Your voice. My heart burns to meet Krishna, the soul of my
life. The desire of my heart is to see Nagar Natwar, the gallant form of
Krishna as the Supreme Dancer, with a fixed gaze, without blinking my eyes. My
heart is enamoured in every way by looking at His moonlike face like a water
lily and a chakor[1] drinking
the nectar of His beauty. Discarding family, honour, prudence and highly
restrictive social constraints, my love is specially blossoming just as the
lotus bud blossoms with warmth of the sun. Watching the swinging pace of His,
crores of Kamdevs can be sacrificed.
Dark-hued Krishna's Lotus Eyes
His big lotus eyes are a snare to
captivate the young maidens. Like the pied cuckoo[2]
and the peacock, I passionately repeat that the darling son of Nanda, the fresh
dense cloud, should shower love on us. Madan Gopala romantically dallies in the
kunja and bhavan, so that I am the marigold flower of Vrindavana and You are
the relisher of love, as the capricious black bee. Constantly reside on this joyful
torrential hillock for ages. Chaturbhuj Dasji devotedly implores the
Goverdhandhari svarupa[3]
of Krishna, where He is the lifter of Mount Goverdhan.'
Shriji's Anxiety Escalated
As the date of Shri Radha
Baba's adopting maun drew nearer, Shriji's anxiety escalated. His health
greatly declined on 29th November in this worrisome state. He kept
vomiting all night, restlessness increased considerably and hiccups began
alongside. Assuming that it could be indigestion some home remedies were
administered but there was no relief. Dr. Nityanandji was called up from the
Rama Dispensary to examine him. Shriji's blood pressure reading was 110/190.
The condition was similar to that of Indore. I told the doctor of his delicate
state and treatment given to him at Indore. Likewise, glucose was administered
to Shriji and an injection was given to control the blood pressure. With this
the constant vomits came to a stop but restlessness increased when he would vomit
in an hour or so. Next day, a blood sugar test was done and the sugar level was
found to be 270. It made the doctor anxious.
Seva Ashram, Vrindavan
“All these are
complications arising due to blood sugar. Get him admitted at once,” he
instantly suggested on hearing of Shriji’s condition.
Shriji was taken to Seva
Ashram right away in Swami Kunwarpalji's car. Investigations were begun and all
the tests were done by 2nd December. Treatment controlled the sugar
but there was terrible pain and inflammation due to the stoppage of urination.
It was unbearable to see Shriji's plight at that time.
Shri Hiralalji was
called from Bhopal by a lightning phone call. He came immediately, getting
daughter Radha along with him. Seeing Shriji's critical condition on the fourth
and fifth day we began thinking of taking Shriji to Delhi but that is when
Shriji's intimate associates told us that this condition would continue till 6th
December. Shriji got high fever on 6th December. Radha and I were
sitting by his bed side. Some incoherent words flashed forth from Shriji's
mouth, and an implication of his bhava stithi [4]
was felt. Putting my ears next to his mouth I listened and began noting them
down in my diary. Shriji became quiet after half an hour. On touching him we
saw that his fever had gone done completely and he had begun looking healthy.
We used to visit the
hospital in groups of twos. When Kusumji reached the hospital, Radha and I came
home. I had hinted at the state of venerable Shriji to Kusumji.
“Well! What is going on at Gita Vatika at this
time?” After I had left, Shriji called her close to him and asked
“ Venerable Baba would have
started his maun by now, leading to silence looming all around,” Kusumji
assumed and replied.
Parikrama at Gita Vatika
“ No! I can see that parikrama
is going on at this point in time and
there is quite a lot of hustle and bustle all around,” Shriji responded after a
He also told us who all
were present and where they were sitting.
“I am also there at Gita
Vatika and begin reciting,'smaratu mano mam nirwadhi radham |'
( my heart remembers Radha eternally) Shriji added.
Shri Phogalaji stops me and
says that revered Baba would be exhausted by the time I complete recitation of
the pada. Thus I do not complete the devotional verse and stop where I am. Shri
Baba looked at me and smiled on my keeping quiet. I was sitting still.”
On asking Shri Thakurji
when he returned from Gorakhpur we came to know that it was exactly the same time.
Venu Vinod Kunj
When Shriji came back to
Venu Vinod Kunj on 8th December,
completely cured from Seva Ashram Kusumji asked him, “When you were
unwell and getting treated at Seva Ashram some words gushed forth your mouth,
which have been noted down by Manoharji.”
Gita Vatika
“ I had reached Gita
Vatika. I can somewhat remember that there was a spirited conversation with
Shri Baba. Well, whatever you have written should not be told now, as I will
write them all down and read them out for your knowing. I totally recollect
what took place,” replied Shriji.
Shri Bhaiji's Samadhi
seems that Radha Baba's maun will not assume an austere form because the
atmosphere doesn't appear to be sad. When I reached Gita Vatika in bhava
stithi I saw that Shri Bhaiji's samadhi was decorated with flowers, etc.,
garlands were hanging on the trees, the door through which I entered was also
adorned. The door is named Anand Dwar (door of joy.) It seemed as if the
festival of Radhashtami was being celebrated. It was my life's first experience
of travelling in the sukshma sharira or subtle body[5].
I had actually reached Gita Vatika but could see no acquaintance of mine except
Shri Baba,” Shri Maharajji added.
Radhashtami Celebrations in the Cosmos
(I want to state at this
juncture that Shri Baba was telling Ghanshyamji
before taking maun, “The festival of Radhashtami is being
celebrated in some part of the cosmos. If the heart of some sadhaka is ready he can behold and relish the
“As soon as I reached, I was
placed on a high lotus-shaped seat which was very beautiful,” continued Shriji.
Dasya Bhava
Looking at me with a
smiling face, Shri Baba said, ' The rasas of dasya when the devotee
relates to God as a slave,
Vatsalya Bhava
Sakhya Bhava
Madhurya Bhava, the Devotee is Seen as Krishna's Beloved
Recollecting the concept of
karak purush, Shriji said, “There is no place for anything else when
the heart is absorbed and steeped in one rasa. Then on becoming a svarupa of karak purush
does one remain an integral part of Radha Bhava?”
Dasya Bhava
'Dasya bhava is
vatsalya or sakhya which means that dasya remains the principal bhava,
whereas madhurya, the sentiment of sweet romance, is indeed madhurya.
Intertwined together these three bhavas incorporated within us, become the
subject of an experience which is very unique and inexpressible. Dark-hued Krishna appears and can be experienced as compassionate,
subservient, helplessly in love and infatuated since ages.
Thereafter either vatsalya or prema remains. A devotee is infatuated by Krishna in the sakhya bhava but Krishna is
forever indebted and subservient to Prem. This is termed as madhurya rasa where
the devotee is steeped in the sweetness of love for Supreme Lover Krishna,”
Shri Baba replied.
Love for Krishna Overwhelms the Heart in Madhurya Bhava
' Calling each bhava to be different from the other does not remain a subject of madhurya, and experience only
experience remains. If dasya overwhelms the heart, if vatsalya engrosses the
heart , if sakhya steeps the heart, if madhurya overwhelms the heart, then
the heart simply loses its separate identity and existence; similarly the
senses lose their sensibility and power to perform natural
activities. The heart alone remains from top to bottom, in every sense organ
and the body which is steeped in any bhava.
'This is crystal clear that
when the mind rises above nature, disposition and creativity it reaches the heights of madhurya rasa which
pervades our inner soul,” affirmed Shri Baba.
Radha Bhava
'If you say that it is possible then this subject is beyond my comprehension. It could be revealing the glory of a great person but it would not make me joyous.
Shri Radha & Her Devotees are Mutually Happy
'Shri Baba kept quiet,
smiling slightly on observing the bhava avesha in my sentences. He was
simply observing the presence of Shri Bhaiji's bhava laden svarupa in me.
Radha Baba Delayed His Departure from the Mundane World
[2] Pied cuckoo:
supposed to live only
on raindrops, especially those falling during
the autumn asterism svati
[4] Bhava stithi:
or awakening of
spiritual consciousness, a state
of communion with God. It
is related to the
sub-conscious mind (chitta). When
one’s spiritual emotion
is awakened, for that time
one transcends one’s usual
state of identification with
a worldly existence and
the awareness of one’s
own existence also reduces. Thus
in a state of
spiritual emotion one transcends
the little ‘i’ and
identifies with the big
‘I’. Spiritual emotion
gives us a spiritual
experience of Bliss (Ānand).
[5] Subtle body:The
subtle body is the
vehicle of consciousness with
which one passes from
life to life
[6] Radha Bhava:
the individual soul realizes its union with the Supreme Being ideally as Radha,
where Krishna is the Supreme Lover
[7] Radha Bhava:
Centred on the divine
love of Radha and
Krishna the worshipper
is required to assume
the nature, nuance and
psychological state of Radha
in her loving devotion
to Krishna, this state
is called Radha bhava
or mahabhava.
[9] Subtle astral
the vehicle of concrete consciousness shaped by the pshyche (thoughts,
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Thanks your valuable effort to give us a nice information.
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