prabisi nagara kije saba kaja, hrdaya råkhi kosalapura råjå.||
garala sudhå ripu karahi mitåi,gopada simdh anala sitalåi||1||
garuRa sumeru renu sama tåhi,råma krpå kari citavå jåhi||
ati laghu rupa dhareu hanumånå, paithå nagara sumiri bhagavånå||2||
mamdira mamdira prati kari sodhå, dekhe jaha°taha° aganita jodhå.
gayau dasånana mamdira mahi°, ati bicitra kahi jåta so nåhi°||3||
sayana kie°dekhå kapi tehi, mamdira mahu° na dikhi baidehi.
bhavana eka puni dikha suhåvå, hari mamdira taha° bhinna banåvå||4||

Doha: 5
råmåyudha amkita grha sobhå barani na jåi|
nava tulasikå brmda taha° dekhi harasa kapiråi||5||
lamkå nisicara nikara nivåså, iha kaha sajjana kara båså||
mana mahu° taraka karai kapi lågå,tehi samaya bibhisanu jågå||1||
råma råma tehi sumirana kinhå,hrdaya° harasa kapi sajjana cinhå||
ehi sana hathi karihau° pahicåni,sådhu te hoi na kåraja håni||2||
bipra rupa dhari bacana sunåe,sunata bibhisana uthi taha° åe||
kari pranåma pμchi kusalåi, bipra kahahu nija kathå bujhåi||3||
ki tumha hari dåsanha maha° koi,more°hrdaya prito hoi||
ki tumha råmu dina anurågi, åyahu mohi karana baRabhågi||4||

Lanka is supposed to be the abode of hordes of demons. How could a virtuous person reside here? Hanuman rued over this point in his mind and that is precisely when Vibhisana woke up. He (Vibhishana) began to chant the name of Rama and Hanuman was delighted in his heart to know that he was a good man. He thought that he would certainly introduce himself because one 's mission never suffers at the hands of a holy man (and gains on the contrary).
Assuming the form of a brahmin, Hanuman called out to him. The instant he heard his call,Vibhishana got up and came there. Bowing respectfully, he asked about his well-being and said, “Oh Brahman Dev!Explain about yourself to me. Are you one of Hari's devotees? Because on seeing you great love is surging in my heart. Or are you Ramji himself, a loving friend of the poor, who has come to bless me with great good fortune ?(by giving me darshan at home)
Doha: 6
taba hanumamta kahi saba råma kathå nija nåma |
sunata jugala tana pulaka mana magana sumiri guna gråma ||6||

prabisi nagara kije saba kaja, hrdaya råkhi kosalapura råjå.||
garala sudhå ripu karahi mitåi,gopada simdh anala sitalåi||1||
garuRa sumeru renu sama tåhi,råma krpå kari citavå jåhi||
ati laghu rupa dhareu hanumånå, paithå nagara sumiri bhagavånå||2||
mamdira mamdira prati kari sodhå, dekhe jaha°taha° aganita jodhå.
gayau dasånana mamdira mahi°, ati bicitra kahi jåta so nåhi°||3||
sayana kie°dekhå kapi tehi, mamdira mahu° na dikhi baidehi.
bhavana eka puni dikha suhåvå, hari mamdira taha° bhinna banåvå||4||

Lord Rama Dwells in Hanumanji's Heart
"On entering the city of Lanka do all your work with the king of Ayodhya dwelling in your heart. Poison is converted into nectar, foes become friends, the ocean shrinks to the size of a cow's hoof and fire becomes cool for such a person. And Oh Garuda! Mount Sumeru becomes like a speck of dust for him on whom Lord Ramchandra has cast his merciful glance just once." That is when Hanuman assumed a very minute form and invoking Rama, gained entry into the city. He rigorously searched every palace and saw innumerable warriors all over the place.

Ravana Deep Asleep in His Palace
Then he went to Ravana's palace. It was extremely majestic and defied description. Hanuman saw that Ravana was deep asleep but he did not find Janaki, Videhas' daughter, there. Thereafter he saw another palatial building with a separate temple of Hari built in it.
Doha: 5
råmåyudha amkita grha sobhå barani na jåi|
nava tulasikå brmda taha° dekhi harasa kapiråi||5||
That palace had sketches of Lord Ram's weapons (bows and arrows) drawn on it. Its splendour can not be described in words. Hanuman was overjoyed to see clusters of tulsi saplings planted here.
lamkå nisicara nikara nivåså, iha kaha sajjana kara båså||
mana mahu° taraka karai kapi lågå,tehi samaya bibhisanu jågå||1||
råma råma tehi sumirana kinhå,hrdaya° harasa kapi sajjana cinhå||
ehi sana hathi karihau° pahicåni,sådhu te hoi na kåraja håni||2||
bipra rupa dhari bacana sunåe,sunata bibhisana uthi taha° åe||
kari pranåma pμchi kusalåi, bipra kahahu nija kathå bujhåi||3||
ki tumha hari dåsanha maha° koi,more°hrdaya prito hoi||
ki tumha råmu dina anurågi, åyahu mohi karana baRabhågi||4||

Assuming the form of a brahmin, Hanuman called out to him. The instant he heard his call,Vibhishana got up and came there. Bowing respectfully, he asked about his well-being and said, “Oh Brahman Dev!Explain about yourself to me. Are you one of Hari's devotees? Because on seeing you great love is surging in my heart. Or are you Ramji himself, a loving friend of the poor, who has come to bless me with great good fortune ?(by giving me darshan at home)
Doha: 6
taba hanumamta kahi saba råma kathå nija nåma |
sunata jugala tana pulaka mana magana sumiri guna gråma ||6||

Singing the Glories of Lord Rama
That is when Hanumån narrated the entire story of Lord Ramchandraji and revealed his own name.Soon after hearing this tale both of them were ecstatic and recollecting Rama's innate virtues, their minds became engrossed in love and joyous abandon.
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