nisicari eka simdhu mahu rahai, kari maya nabhu ke khaga gahai |
jiva jamtu je gagana uRahi, jala biloki tinha kai parichai ||1||
gahai chaha saka so na uRai, ehi bidhi sada gaganacara khai |
soi chala hanumana kaha kinha,tasu kapatu kapi turatahi cinha ||2||
tahi mari marutasuta bira, baridhi para gayau matidhira |
taha jai dekhi bana sobha, gumjata camcarika madhu lobha ||3||
nana taru phala phula suhae, khaga mrga brmda dekhi mana bhae |
saila bisala dekhi eka age, ta para dhai caRheu bhaya tyage ||4||
uma na kachu kapi kai adhikai, prabhu pratapa jo kalahi khai |
giri para caRhi lamka tehi dekhi, kahi na jai ati durga bisesi ||5||
ati utamga jalanidhi cahu pasa, kanaka kota kara parama prakasa ||6||

kanaka kota bicitra mani krta sumdarayatana ghana |
cauhatta hatta subatta bithi caru pura bahu bidhi bana ||
gaja baji khaccara nikara padacara ratha baruthanhi ko ganai |
bahurupa nisicara jutha atibala sena baranata nahi banai ||1||
bana baga upabana batika sara kupa bapi sohahi |
nara naga sura gamdharba kanya rupa muni mana mohahi ||
kahu mala deha bisala saila samana atibala garjahi |
nana akharenha bhirahi bahu bidhi eka ekanha tarjahi ||2||
kari jatana bhata kotinha bikata tana nagara cahu disi racchahi |
kahumahisa manusa dhenu khara aja khala nisacara bhacchahi ||
ehi lagi tulasidasa inha ki katha kachu eka hai kahi |
raghubira sara tiratha sariranhi tyagi gati paihahi sahi ||3||

The golden rampart was studded with amazing precious stones and there were many beautiful houses within.Along with crossroads, bazars, lovely paths and lanes; the beautiful city was decked in many ways. Who could possibly count the herds of elephants, horses and mules plus crowds of soldiers on foot, and chariots ? There were factions of demons having many shapes, it is not possible to describe their extremely powerful army. Groves, orchards, gardens, parks,lakes,wells and tanks embellished the place. Daughters of humans, nagas,deities and gandharvas (heavenly minstrels) enraptured even sages with their beauty.

Doha: 3
pura rakhavåre dekhi bahu kapi mana kinha bicåra,
ati laghu rupa dharau nisi nagara karau paisåra ||3||
Seeing numerous guards defending the city, Hanumanji thought of assuming an extremely small form and gaining entry into the city at night.
masaka samana rupa kapi dhari, lamkahi caleu sumiri narahari ||
nama lamkini eka nisicari, so kaha calesi mohi nimdari ||1||
janehi nahi maramu satha mora, mora ahara jaha lagi cora ||
muthika eka maha kapi hani, rudhira bamata dharani dhanamani ||2||
puni sambhari uthi so lamka, jori pani kara binaya sasamka ||
jaba ravanahi brahma bara dinha, calata biramci kaha mohi cinha ||3||
bikala hosi tai kapi ke mare, taba janesu nisicara samghare ||
tata mora ati punya bahuta, dekheu nayana rama kara duta ||4||
Hanuman took on the appearance of a gnat and meditating upon Shri Ramchandraji who does divine play in human form, headed for Lanka. At the entrance of Lanka lived a demoness named Lankini. She fumed, “Disrespecting me (without my permission) where are you going? Oh fool! You have not been able to gauge my identity. All the thieves here are my meal."

The great monkey,Hanumanji gave her a such a blow with his fist that she dropped down vomiting blood.The same Lankini gained her composure and got up.Scared, she folded her hands and entreated, “When Brahma had given a boon to Ravana he gave a clue of the demons' destruction while leaving, 'At that point of time when you are pained by a monkey hitting you, you must gather that the race of demons is going to be ruined, for sure.' Oh dear! I must be having great good deeds to my credit that I was able to see the envoy of Shri Ramchandraji (you) with my eyes."
Doha: 4
tåta svarga apabarga sukha dharia tulå eka amga |
tula na tåhi sakala mili jo sukha lava satasamga||4||
"Oh dear son ! Even if all the joys of heaven and moksha or salvation are stashed together on one scale of a balance they can not be equated to the joy (posited on the other scale) which is attained by a mere moment of satsang (association with the virtuous.)"
nisicari eka simdhu mahu rahai, kari maya nabhu ke khaga gahai |
jiva jamtu je gagana uRahi, jala biloki tinha kai parichai ||1||
gahai chaha saka so na uRai, ehi bidhi sada gaganacara khai |
soi chala hanumana kaha kinha,tasu kapatu kapi turatahi cinha ||2||
tahi mari marutasuta bira, baridhi para gayau matidhira |
taha jai dekhi bana sobha, gumjata camcarika madhu lobha ||3||
nana taru phala phula suhae, khaga mrga brmda dekhi mana bhae |
saila bisala dekhi eka age, ta para dhai caRheu bhaya tyage ||4||
uma na kachu kapi kai adhikai, prabhu pratapa jo kalahi khai |
giri para caRhi lamka tehi dekhi, kahi na jai ati durga bisesi ||5||
ati utamga jalanidhi cahu pasa, kanaka kota kara parama prakasa ||6||
A demoness used to live in the sea and would snare birds flying in the sky with her magical powers. She would catch the reflection of living beings coursing through the sky, in water because of which they could not fly and would fall in the water. In this manner she would devour sentient beings journeying in the sky. She played the same stratagem to deceive Hanumanji but he saw through her trickery soon enough. Hanumanji, the valiant and resolute son of the Wind God, killed her and crossed the ocean.

Bees Humming in Search of Honey
Reaching there he saw the majestic beauty of the forest, where bees were humming in search of honey. Several varieties of trees were laden with fruits and flowers. He was particularly delighted to see the flocks of birds and animals. Seeing a huge mountain in front Hanumana fearlessly ran up to its peak. Lord Shiva explains, “ Oh Uma!? There is no greatness of Hanumana in this feat.It is all due to the Almighty's glory, who devours kaal or death itself.”

Lanka, a Huge Fortress
On climbing the mountain he saw Lanka which was a huge fortress and beyond description. Very high and surrounded by the ocean on all sides, the city was enclosed by ramparts of gold which reflected brilliant lustre all over the place.
kanaka kota bicitra mani krta sumdarayatana ghana |
cauhatta hatta subatta bithi caru pura bahu bidhi bana ||
gaja baji khaccara nikara padacara ratha baruthanhi ko ganai |
bahurupa nisicara jutha atibala sena baranata nahi banai ||1||
bana baga upabana batika sara kupa bapi sohahi |
nara naga sura gamdharba kanya rupa muni mana mohahi ||
kahu mala deha bisala saila samana atibala garjahi |
nana akharenha bhirahi bahu bidhi eka ekanha tarjahi ||2||
kari jatana bhata kotinha bikata tana nagara cahu disi racchahi |
kahumahisa manusa dhenu khara aja khala nisacara bhacchahi ||
ehi lagi tulasidasa inha ki katha kachu eka hai kahi |
raghubira sara tiratha sariranhi tyagi gati paihahi sahi ||3||

Lanka as Seen From a Distance

Mighty Wrestlers Could be Seen
At places mighty wrestlers with huge bodies like mountains were thundering. In different ways they grappled in several arenas and challenged each other for a duel.Millions of warriors possessing fearsome forms strived vigilantly to guard the city from all four directions. At places evil demons were seen feasting on buffaloes, human beings, cows, donkeys and goats. Tulsidasji has narrated their story in brief. They were to be released from rebirth by sacrificing their bodies at the abode of Ramchandraji's arrows and thus attain salvation.
Doha: 3
pura rakhavåre dekhi bahu kapi mana kinha bicåra,
ati laghu rupa dharau nisi nagara karau paisåra ||3||
Seeing numerous guards defending the city, Hanumanji thought of assuming an extremely small form and gaining entry into the city at night.
masaka samana rupa kapi dhari, lamkahi caleu sumiri narahari ||
nama lamkini eka nisicari, so kaha calesi mohi nimdari ||1||
janehi nahi maramu satha mora, mora ahara jaha lagi cora ||
muthika eka maha kapi hani, rudhira bamata dharani dhanamani ||2||
puni sambhari uthi so lamka, jori pani kara binaya sasamka ||
jaba ravanahi brahma bara dinha, calata biramci kaha mohi cinha ||3||
bikala hosi tai kapi ke mare, taba janesu nisicara samghare ||
tata mora ati punya bahuta, dekheu nayana rama kara duta ||4||
Hanuman took on the appearance of a gnat and meditating upon Shri Ramchandraji who does divine play in human form, headed for Lanka. At the entrance of Lanka lived a demoness named Lankini. She fumed, “Disrespecting me (without my permission) where are you going? Oh fool! You have not been able to gauge my identity. All the thieves here are my meal."

Demoness Lankini Punched by Hanumana
Doha: 4
tåta svarga apabarga sukha dharia tulå eka amga |
tula na tåhi sakala mili jo sukha lava satasamga||4||
"Oh dear son ! Even if all the joys of heaven and moksha or salvation are stashed together on one scale of a balance they can not be equated to the joy (posited on the other scale) which is attained by a mere moment of satsang (association with the virtuous.)"
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