mana samtosa sunata kapi båni,bhagati pratåpa teja bala såni||
åsisa dinhi råmapriya jånå, hohu tåta bala sila nidhånå||1||
ajara amara gunanidhi suta hohu,karahu° bahuta raghunåyaka chohu||
karahu° krpå prabhu asa suni kånå,nirbhara prema magana hanumånå||2||
båra båra nåesi pada siså, bolå bacana jori kara kiså||
aba krtakrtya bhayau° mai måtå,åsisa tava amogha bikhyåtå||3||
sunahu måtu mohi atisaya bhukhå,lågi dekhi sumdara phala rukhå||
sunu suta karahi bipina rakhavåri,parama subhata rajanicara bhår||4||
tinha kara bhaya måtå mohi nåhi,° jau° tumha sukha månahu mana måhi°||5||

Hanuman was overwhelmed with emotion the instant he heard these words,'May the Lord be merciful.' He bowed his head over and over again at Devi Sita's feet and said with folded hands, “ Oh Mother! I am going to be successful now.This fact is renowned that your blessing is unfailing (sure to succeed). Listen, oh Mother!I am feeling ravenous at the sight of these trees loaded with delicious fruits." (Sita warned) , “I must tell you that this grove is guarded by very mighty and valiant demons." (Hanuman replied)" I am least scared of them if you happily give me permission to go ahead."
Doha: 17
dekhi buddhi bala nipuna kapi kaheu jånak° jåhu|
raghupati carana hrdaya° dhari tåta madhura phala khåhu||17||

Seeing Hanuman's accomplished perfection in wisdom and strength, Janaki gave her consent, "Go dear child!And keeping the feet of Lord Raghunath in your heart, relish the sweet fruits.
caleu nåi siru paitheu bågå, phala khåesi taru torai lågå||
rahe tahå° bahu bhata rakhavåre,kachu måresi kachu jåi pukåre||1||
nåtha eka åvå kapi bhåri,tehi asoka båtikå ujåri||
khåesi phala aru bitapa upåre,racchaka mardi mardi mahi dåre||2||
suni råvana pathae bhata nånå,tinhahi dekhi garjeu hanumånå||
saba rajanicara kapi samghåre,gae pukårata kachu adhamåre||3||
puni pathayau tehi acchakumårå, calå samga lai subhata apårå||
avata dekhi bitapa gahi tarjå,tåhi nipåti mahådhuni garjå||4||

Doha: 18
kachu måresi kachu mardesi kachu milaesi dhari dhuri|
kachu puni jåi pukåre prabhu markata bala bhuri||18||

He killed some of the troops and crushed the others. Catching hold of some, he merged them with the dust. Once again those who escaped, ran and wailed, “Oh Lord! The monkey is too strong for us.”
åsisa dinhi råmapriya jånå, hohu tåta bala sila nidhånå||1||
ajara amara gunanidhi suta hohu,karahu° bahuta raghunåyaka chohu||
karahu° krpå prabhu asa suni kånå,nirbhara prema magana hanumånå||2||
båra båra nåesi pada siså, bolå bacana jori kara kiså||
aba krtakrtya bhayau° mai måtå,åsisa tava amogha bikhyåtå||3||
sunahu måtu mohi atisaya bhukhå,lågi dekhi sumdara phala rukhå||
sunu suta karahi bipina rakhavåri,parama subhata rajanicara bhår||4||
tinha kara bhaya måtå mohi nåhi,° jau° tumha sukha månahu mana måhi°||5||
Devi Sita Blesses Hanuman
Sita was satisfied at heart to hear Hanuman's words laden with Rama's majesty, splendour, power and religious devotion.Assuming him to be dear to Lord Rama she blessed Hanuman, “Oh dear! May you become the repository of morals and strength.Dear son! May you be changeless and immortal (devoid of old age) and a treasury of virtues. May Lord of the Raghus shower His grace on you in abundance."

Hanuman takes Permission from Sitaji
Doha: 17
dekhi buddhi bala nipuna kapi kaheu jånak° jåhu|
raghupati carana hrdaya° dhari tåta madhura phala khåhu||17||

Lord Rama's Holy Feet
caleu nåi siru paitheu bågå, phala khåesi taru torai lågå||
rahe tahå° bahu bhata rakhavåre,kachu måresi kachu jåi pukåre||1||
nåtha eka åvå kapi bhåri,tehi asoka båtikå ujåri||
khåesi phala aru bitapa upåre,racchaka mardi mardi mahi dåre||2||
suni råvana pathae bhata nånå,tinhahi dekhi garjeu hanumånå||
saba rajanicara kapi samghåre,gae pukårata kachu adhamåre||3||
puni pathayau tehi acchakumårå, calå samga lai subhata apårå||
avata dekhi bitapa gahi tarjå,tåhi nipåti mahådhuni garjå||4||

Hanuman Uprooting Trees and Fighting Demons
Bowing his head before Sita, Hanuman went ahead and entered the grove. Soon after eating the fruits, he began uprooting the trees. Many warriors had been deployed there as guards. He killed some of them while the others ran to Ravana and pleaded for help. (They begged), “Oh Lord!A very huge monkey has arrived and ruined the Ashok Vatika.He ate fruits, tore off the trees and crushing those on guard with his palms, he has strewn them on the ground." On hearing of this incident, Ravana sent a large number of warriors to the grove.
Hanuman thundered on sighting them and killed the demons. Some of them who were half-dead fled away, screaming. Soon after, Ravana sent Akshay Kumar who surged ahead with countless, topmost warriors.Seeing them approach, Hanuman took a tree (in his hand)and challenged them.Killing Akshay Kumar, Hanuman roared in a loud voice.
Doha: 18
kachu måresi kachu mardesi kachu milaesi dhari dhuri|
kachu puni jåi pukåre prabhu markata bala bhuri||18||

Mighty Hanuman Crushed Ravana's Warriors
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