Monday, May 28, 2012

125th & 126th Dohas of Uttar Kand

       mai krtakrtya bhayau° tava båni, suni raghubira bhagati rasa såni  |
       råma carana nutana  rati bhai, måyå janita bipati saba gai  ||1||
       moha jaladhi bohita tumha bhae, mo kaha° nåtha bibidha sukha dae  |
       mo pahi hoi na prati upakårå,bamdau° tava pada bårahi bårå  ||2||
       purana kåma råma anurågi, tumha sama tåta na kou baRabhågi  |
       samta bitapa saritå giri dharani, para hita hetu sabanha kai karani  ||3||        
       samta hrdaya navanita samånå, kahå kabinha pari kahai na jånå  |
       nija paritåpa dravai navanitå, para dukha dravahi samta supunitå  ||4||
       jivana janma suphala mama bhayau, tava prasåda samsaya saba gayau  |
       jånehu sadå mohi nija kimkara, puni puni umå bihamgabara  ||5||

 Kakabhushundi Saves Garuda from Drowning in Delusion
I have accomplished the purpose of my life after having listened to your discourse, soaked in the nectar of religious devotion to Lord Rama. My love for Lord Råma's feet has been refreshed and the distress created by Maya (the Lord's power of illusion) has all ended. You have been a ship for me who was drowning in the ocean of delusion. O lord! You have delighted me (abounding in bliss) in several  ways. However, I am incapable of repaying my obligation to you. I simply pray to your feet, over and over again. You are puranakama (of fulfilled desires) and a lover of Lord Rama. O lord! There is no one so very fortunate as you are.

 Trees, Rivers & Mountains Work for the Good of Others
Saints, trees, rivers, mountains and the earth, all these work for the good of others. The poets say that the heart of a saint is as soft as butter; but they do not know how to tell (the essential fact.) Because whereas butter melts when it is heated on fire, holy saints melt at the suffering of others. My life and birth into this world have been rewarded and all my doubts have been dispelled by your grace. Regard me as your  dasa (servitor) forever. O Uma! (Shiva says) Garuda, the chief of the birds, spoke thus over and over again.

      tåsu carana siru nåi kari prema sahita matidhira  |
      gayau garuRa baikumtha taba hrdaya° råkhi raghubira  ||125(A)||
      girijå samta samågama sama na låbha kachu åna  |
      binu hari krpå na hoi so gåvahi beda puråna  ||125(B)||

 Garuda Returns to Vaikunth
Lovingly bowing his head at Kakabhusundi's feet and carrying the image of Lord Raghuvir in his heart, persevering Garuda, then flew away to Vaikuntha (the  abode of Lord Vishnu.) O Girija! There is no gain greater than association with saints. The company of saints can not be had without the grace of Lord Hari, so sing the Vedas and Puranas.
(125 A-B)

      kaheu°parama punita itihåså, sunata sravana chutahi bhava påså  |
      pranata kalpataru karunå pumjå, upajai priti råma pada kam  ||1||
      mana krama bacana janita agha i, sunahi je kathå sravana mana |
      tirthåtana sådhana samudåi, joga biråga gyåna nipunå||2||
      nånå karma dharma brata dånå, samjama dama japa tapa makha nånå  |
      bhuta dayå dvija gura sevakåi, bidyå binaya bibeka baRå||3||
      jaha° lagi sådhana beda bakhåni, saba kara phala hari bhagati bhavån|
      so raghunåtha bhagati sruti i, råma krpå° kåhu° eka ||4||

Lord Rama is Likened to the Kalpavriksha
I have spoken of the most sacred narrative, on hearing which one is instantly freed from the noose (bond) of this mundane world and loving devotion for the lotus-feet of  the all-merciful, Lord Råma, who is a kalpavriksha(granting fruit as per their desires) evolves in refugees. Those who intently listen to this narrative with their ears and soul,  are rid of all sins committed by the mind, speech  or body.

Religious Devotion to Lord Rama is Only Attained by His Grace
Pilgrimages, and so many other means like perfection in yoga (mind-control), asceticism and spiritual wisdom. Several kinds of sacred rites, religious observances, vows and charitable acts. So many self-denials, self-controls, japas (incantations) tapas or austere penance, yagnas or sacrifices, compassion towards living beings, serving brahmanas and one's spiritual preceptor, learning, modesty, correct judgement and a noble mind and character. 

Shiva Talks to Bhavani of Lord Rama's Bhakti
In short, O Bhavani! All the means  endorsed in the Vedas, have one reward and that is religious devotion to Lord Hari. But such devotion to the Lord of the Raghus as has been glorified in the Vedas, is attained by some rare soul, by the grace of Lord Rama.
     muni durlabha hari bhagati nara påvahi binahi prayåsa  |
     je yaha kathå niramtara sunahi måni bisvåsa  ||126||

 Devotees Listen to the Tale of Lord Rama with Implicit Faith
Though such dedicated devotion to Lord Hari is scarce attainable even by sages, it can be easily be attained by men who constantly listen to this story with implicit faith.

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