Verse 1
Namaa miisha mishaana-nirvaana rupam |
Vibhum vyaapakam brahma-veda-svaroopam ||
Nijam nirgunam nirvikalpam niriham |
Chidaakaasha maakaasha-vaasam bhaje ham ||1||
Lord Shiva, the Supreme Being
I respectfully salute the svarupa or form of liberation, the all pervasive Brahma who is the impersonal Ultimate Being and a living presence of the Vedas. Shiva is master of the northeast and the Lord of everyone. I worship the one who radiant in his eternal form is stripped off worldly illusion and deceptive senses,devoid of discrimination and desires, the conscious digambar ( an epithet of Shiva) who is wearing the sky itself as a garment (and covering the sky as well).
Verse 2
Niraakaara monkaara-moolam turiiyam |
Giraa gnaana gotiita miisham giriisham ||
Karaalam mahaa-kaala-kaalam krpaalam |
gunaagaara samsara paaram nato ham ||2||

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