loka loka prati bhinna bidhåtå, bhinna bisnu siva manu disitråtå |
nara gamdharba bhuta betålå, kimnara nisicara pasu khaga byålå ||1||
deva danuja gana nånå jåti, sakala jiva taha° ånahi bhå°ti |
mahi sari sågara sara giri nånå, saba prapamca taha° ånai ånå ||2||
amdakosa prati prati nija rupå, dekheu° jinasa aneka anupa |
avadhapuri prati bhuvana ninåri, saraju bhinna bhinna nara nåri ||3||
dasaratha kausalyå sunu tata, bibidha rupa bharatådika bhråtå |
prati brahmåmda råma avatårå, dekhau° bålabinoda apårå ||4||
Each Universe Had Its Own Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva
There were different Brahmas, Vishnus and Shivas in each universe, Manus(fourteen Manus preside in succession over the universe in each kalpa), Dikpals (guardian deities of a quarter of the world), human beings, Gandharvas (celestial musicians), spectres and goblins, Kinnaras (a class of heavenly musicians having a human figure with the head of a horse), Råksasas (giants), quadrupeds, birds and serpents. As well as gods and demons of various classes. All the creatures there were of a different kind. Several earths had their many rivers, oceans, lakes and mountains, and the entire creation in each universe had a distinctive character. In all these universes I saw myself in every universe and also saw many excellent set ups.
King Dashratha & Queen Kausalya Resided in Every Universe
Each universe had its own Ayodhya with its distinctive Sarayu, particular men and women. Listen, dear Garuda: Lord Råma's parents Dasharatha and Kausalyå as well His brothers, Bharata and others, were different in each universe. In each such universe I saw the incarnation of Lord Råma as well as His infinite childish sports.
bhinna bhinna mai dikha sabu ati bicitra harijåna |
aganita bhuvana phireu° prabhu råma na dekheu° åna ||81(A)||
soi sisupana soi sobhå soi krpåla raghubira |
bhuvana bhuvana dekhata phirau° prerita moha samira ||81(B)||
Kakbhusundi Saw the Same Childlike Lord Raghuvir in Every Brahmaand
O mount of Lord Hari! Everything I saw had a distinctive stamp of its own universe and was so very wonderful. But I saw no other Lord Ramchandra when I roamed around the innumerable universes. Urged by the blast of infatuation I saw, in each world that I visited in succession, the same child-like ways, the same beauty and the same merciful Lord Raghuvir.
bhramata mohi brahmåmda anekå, bite manahu° kalpa sata ekå |
phirata phirata nija åsrama åyau°, taha° puni rahi kachu kåla gavå°yau° ||1||
nija prabhu janma avadha suni påyau°, nirbhara prema harasi uthi dhåyau° |
dekhau° janma mahotsava jai, jehi bidhi prathama kahå mai gåi ||2||
råma udara dekheu° jaga nånå, dekhata banai na jåi bakhånå |
taha° puni dekheu° råma sujånå, måyå pati krpåla bhagavånå ||3||
karau° bicåra bahori bahori, moha kalila byåpita mati mori |
ubhaya ghari maha° mai saba dekhå, bhayau° bhramita mana moha biseså ||4||
Kakbhusundi Hears of Lord Rama's Birth in Ayodhya
It seemed as if a hundred cycles had passed in my wanderings through the many universes. Roaming around, I came to my hermitage at last and stayed there for sometime. Thereafter, as I came to hear of my Lord's birth in Ayodhya, I got up delightedly and steeped in love, ran to witness the grand festival of His birth as I have already told you earlier. Thus in the belly of Lord Råma I saw a number of universes, which can only be seen with one's eyes and are beyond description.
Lord Rama is The Discerning Svami of Maya or Delusion
Once again, there I beheld the divine Lord Råma, the gracious and discerning Svami or Master of Måyå. I contemplated over and over again. But my understanding was pervaded by the mire of delusion. All this I saw In less than an hour. My mind was utterly bewildered because of a particular delusion (of the supposed reality of the world.)
dekhi krpåla bikala mohi biha°se taba raghubira |
biha°satahi° mukha båhera åyau° sunu matidhira ||82(A)||
soi larikåi mo sana karana lage puni råma |
koti bhå°ti samujhåvau° manu na lahai bisråma ||82(B)||
Kakbhusundi Flies Out of Lord Rama's Mouth
At that point of time, the Lord of the Raghus laughed on seeing my distress. Listen, O resolute, Garuda! The moment He laughed, I came out of His mouth. Again, Lord Rama began to play the same childish pranks with me. I tried to explain things to myself in crores of ways; but my mind could not rest in peace.
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Excellent Work
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