yatpurvam prabhunå krtam sukavinå srisambhunå durgamam
srimadråmapadåbjabhaktimanisam pråptyai tu råmåyanam |
matvå tadraghunåthanåmaniratam svåntastamahsåntaye
bhåsåbaddhamidam cakåra tulasidåsastathå månasam ||1||
punyam påpaharam sadå sivakaram vigyånabhaktipradam
måyåmohamalåpaham suvimalam premåmbupuram subham |
srimadråmacaritramånasamidam bhaktyåvagåhanti ye
te samsårapatangaghorakiranairdahyanti no månavå ̈ ||2||
The Manasa-Ramayana Was Composed by Lord Shambhu
The same inaccessible Manasa-Råmayana (the story of Lord Rama metaphorically spoken of as a Manasa or a holy Himalayan lake) which was composed long ago by Lord Shambhu, the best of poets, with the objective of developing unceasing devotion for the lotus-feet of the supremely beautiful Lord Råma,
Goswami Tulsidas Wrote the Ramayana in Awadhi
The Ramcharitmanas, the Sanskrit Ramayana has been likewise written in the vernacular (Awadhi) by Tulasidåsa for dispersing the dark gloom of his heart, well knowing that it is devoted to the Name of Lord Raghunathji (the Lord of the Raghus).
This glorious, holy, Sri Ramcharitmanas (lake of Lord Rama's exploits), is a purifier of sins and is always conducive to our well-being. The Manasa bestows wisdom and religious devotion, destroys delusion, infatuation and impurity, is brimming with the water of supremely tender love and is auspicious. Those who devoutly plunge into this Manas-Sarovar (a large and fine lake) are never burnt by the scorching rays of the sun of worldly illusion.
iti srimadramacaritamanase sakalakalikalu¶avidhvamsane saptama ̈ sopåna ̈ samåpta ̈.
The Manasa of Lord Rama Expiates all the Impurities of Kaliyuga
Thus ends the seventh descent into the Manasa of Lord Rama's exploits, that eradicates all the impurities of Kaliyuga.
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