mani-nupura-vacalam vande ,
tac caranam vibhoh |
lalitani yadiyani ,
lakshmani vraja-vithishu ||16||
Simple Meaning:
Lord Krishna's Footprints Mark the Nikunjas of Vraja
The Rasa-laden Commentary:
Tinkling Anklets of Krishna Resound in the Forest of Vrindavan
chhamchhamaat brajbithi paga, chhaap amar dai jaat |
amaragann lalchaat nit, vandaun pada jaljaat ||
Saffron-Coloured Footprints of Lord Krishna
Bhagwan Shri Nimbarkacharya
pratarnmami yugalanghri saroj kosh ,
mashtang yukt vapusha bhavduhkhdaram |
vrindavane suvicharantmudar chihnan '
lakhamya urojdhritkunkumragpushtam ||
Smarana of Lord Krishna's Lotus Feet
Therefore those feet lotus feet which trample mundane suffering and adorn the
sacred land of Shri Van with their noble footprints are noursihed by
the saffron colour of Shri Lakshmi's bosom. Nurtured, contented and
nourished from there, they walk affectedly in youth's bloom. Unknowingly
these prints of intoxication, sweetness and rasa get stamped on the
land of Vrinda.
Dark-hued Krishna's Dallies with Shri Radha & the Gopis
In joyous abandon when the supreme lover fond of new spirited antics
wanders as He goes to meet Shri Radha and His beloveds, He makes
the setting for a new romantic dalliance. His lotus feet imprint the
marks of His passionate love and introduce us to their generosity.
The Braj gopis are the svarupas of Laksmi and are construed as Her
expansions. Delighted by the colour of saffron applied on their bosoms,
these pair of feet are marking holy Vrindavan with their footprints.
Shri Vrindavan is Glorious Because of Krishna's Footprints
yad devaki-suta-padambuja-labdha-laksim
(Srimad Bhagavatam:Venu Geet 10.21.10)
Meaning: This same Vrindavan is spreading its glory in the entire world because
of the radiantly beautiful lotus feet of Brajraj Kishore- by their
Lakshmi-by being marked by their footprints.
Saffron Musky Spots Adorn the Bosoms of Vraja Bhilnis
sri-kunkumena dayita-stana-manditena |
tad-darsana-smara-rujas trna-rusitena ,
limpantya anana-kucesu jahus tad-adhim ||
(Shrimad Bhagavatam: Venu Geet,
The saffron-musky spots which the Bhilnis of
Vraja, beloveds of the supreme lover, apply on their breasts, is affixed to the lotus feet of Krishna. And when He walks on the grass and
leaves of Vrindavan, it rubs off on them, as well. These fortunate Bhil
women scrape the paste from the blades of grass and smear it on their
breasts and faces. And pacify their lovelorn hearts, with this act.
Tinkling Anklets of Krishna's Bejewelled Feet
1 comment:
It is true that the glory of Sh vrindavan is only because of the fact given in this shloka.We feel proud because we are able to go there & feel.These shlokas are really very precious for us.Thank u very much.
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