nibaddha-murdhashjalir esha yace
nirandhra-dainyonnati-mukta-kanthah |
daya-nidhe deva bhavat-kataksha-
dakshinya-leshena sakrin nishishca ||30||
daya-nidhe deva bhavat-kataksha-
dakshinya-leshena sakrin nishishca ||30||
Simple Meaning:
The Sidelong Glance of Lord Krishna
O Lord ! O Ocean of Mercy! Placing together
my hollowed hands, I raise them to my forehead (in salutation) and with extreme humility pray in an unconstrained
voice that you irrigate me with a drop of your compassionate sidelong
glance, just once.
The Rasa-laden Commentary:
Shri Bilavmangal Ji Ardently Longs for Lord Krishna
Apparently Shri Bilavmangal ji is ardently
longs for Lord Krishna and prays,” O Ocean of Compassion! O Lord! Fixing my folded hands
upon my head, I beg you with immense humility for one thing. I have
no inhibition in expressing my wretched-wanting state, O Svami! I feel
like revealing my pathetic lamenting openly in front of you. What should
I say? To whom should I say? In front of whom should I explain the state
of my mind and lighten the burden on my heart.
Lord Krishna Makes us Reach the Heights of Religious Rapture
O Nath! My reach is only
upto You. You are the one who knows and understands my mind. Hence I
pray to You with extreme humility. Do not spurn my request, do
fulfill my demand. Do not disappoint me. There has been enough of my
aimlessly wandering about from one place to another. O repository
of mercy! It's enough! Fill my jholi now. O affectionate one! Just look
at me once with Your merciful glance. And by Your sweet look fill my
shrivelled life with rasa or religious rapture-make my heart
suffering due to the anguish of separation reach the heights of elation
and ecstasy
A Sakhi Moistened by The Sidelong Glance of Lord Krishna
Let us also combine our feeble weak voice along with Shripad Bilavmangal ji Maharaj's powerful voice and say in unison,”
O compassionate One! O Lord! O Omnipotent One! Merely look at us once
with your fickle glance. Irrigate us intensively even if it is by a
fragment of the generosity of your glance.”
Shri Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabu
apna ayogya dekhi mane
paaun shobh |
tathapi tomar gune upjaay
lobh ||
If the sweetness of your
dalliance which nurtures the three bhuvanas ,does not give stability then apart from the
fearsome fire of sensual enjoyments what else will remain in this mundane
Lord Krishna, the Ocean of Mercy
“yachaun ek hi kann kko daan”
O Ocean of mercy! O Respository
of compassion! O Lord! Once, just once be delighted and sprinkle a drop
from the gushing generosity of Your merciful glance. Nath! One such
drop will be become a lake of rasa or religious rapture for me. A particle of Your
grace will become the wealth of my life till eternity.And I will be
Jholi: the loose portion
of a garment held out to receive alms
1 comment:
kitani sunder prarthana karrahein hein unse vahi deenta hum mein bhi bhar do prabhu!! humara hridaya bhi issi komlta se bhar jaye aur iss yogya ho jaye
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