taba munisa raghupati guna gåthå, kahe kachuka sådara khaganåthå |
brahmagyåna rata muni bigyåni, mohi parama adhikåri jåni ||1||
låge karana brahma upadeså, aja advaita aguna hrdayeså |
akala aniha anåma arupå, anubhava gamya akhamda anupå ||2||
mana gotita amala abinåsi, nirbikåra niravadhi sukha råsi |
so tai tåhi tohi nahi bhedå, båri bici iva gåvahi bedå ||3||
bibidhi bhå° ti mohi muni samujhåvå, nirguna mata mama hrdaya° na åvå |
puni mai kaheu° nåi pada siså, saguna upåsana kahahu muniså ||4||
råma bhagati jala mama mana minå, kimi bilagåi munisa prabinå |
soi upadesa kahahu kari dåyå,nija nayananhi dekhau° raghuråyå ||5||
bhari locana biloki avadheså, taba sunihau° nirguna upadeså |
muni puni kahi harikathå anupå, khamdi saguna mata aguna nirupå ||6||
taba mai nirguna mata kara duri, saguna nirupau° kari hatha bhuri |
uttara pratiuttara mai kinhå, muni tana bhae krodha ke cinhå ||7||
sunu prabhu bahuta avagyå kie°, upaja krodha gyåninha ke hie° |
ati samgharasana jau° kara koi, anala pragata camdana te hoi ||8||
The Sage Recounts Tales of Lord Raghuvir's Virtues
Thereupon, O Pakshiraja! The great sage reverentially recounted some tales of Lord Raghuvir's virtues.Then that enlightened sage, devoted to the knowledge of Brahma (the Absolute), knowing that I was the fittest person, began a sermon on Brahma that He is unborn, One without a second (advait) and without attributes (nirgun) and Ruler of the heart (the Supreme Being controlling the heart). He can not be comprehended by any intelligence, is without any desires, without name or form, attainable only through consciousness, indivisible and incomparable. He is beyond the mind and the senses, lovingly tender, indestructible, changeless, unlimited and all-blissful.
Water's Rippling Waves
The Vedas sing that your are identical (the real nature of the human soul [as identical with the all-pervading Supreme Spirit]) to the Brahma mentioned above; there is no difference between Him and you than between water and its rippling waves. The sage made me understand in various ways but the doctrine that the individual soul is identical with the attributeless Brahma did not appeal to my heart. Bowing my head at the sage's feet once again, I said: O Munsihwar! Kindly tell me how to worship the embodied (saguna) Brahma.
A Fish Joyous in Water
My mind delights in the water of Lord Rama's religious devotion as a fish is joyous in water. How can I exist without it, in such a state? Having mercy one me, teach me the same method (means) whereby I may behold Lord Raghuvir with my own eyes. Having feasted my eyes on the King of Ayodhya, I will listen to your discourse on the attributeless (nirguna) Brahma. The sage once more recited the incomparable story of Lord Hari; shattering the doctrine that the supreme Spirit does appear in an embodied form and endorsed that He is forever (nirguna) without attributes. Thereupon, I contradicted the view that God is forever attributeless and obstinately established the doctrine that He assumes an embodied form. Thus, when I entered into a hot discussion with him, signs of resentment appeared on the sage's persona. O Lord! Listen.
On being greatly insulted, anger is also aroused in a an enlightened soul. Even too much friction by excessively rubbing sandal wood wil
produce fire.
bårambåra sakopa muni karai nirupana gyåna |
mai apane° mana baitha taba karau° bibidhi anumåna ||111(A)||
krodha ki dvaitabuddhi binu dvaita ki binu agyåna |
måyåbasa parichinna jaRa jiva ki isa samåna ||111(B)||
An Individuated Soul at Par with the Super Soul
Again and again, furious with rage, the sage ascertained spiritual wisdom. That is when I sat still and put several conjectures to myself. Can there be anger without duality or duality without ignorance? Can a detached, unfeeling individuated soul, subject to Maya (Lord Vishnu's illusory power) be at par with God?
kabahu° ki dukha saba kara hitatåke°,tehi ki daridra parasa mani jåke° |
paradrohi ki hohi nisamkå, kåmi puni ki rahahi akalamkå ||1||
bamsa ki raha dvija anahita kinhe°, karma ki hohi svarupahi cinhe° |
kåhu sumati ki khala sa°ga jåmi, subha gati påva ki paratriya gåmi ||2||
bhava ki parahi paramåtmåbimdaka, sukhi ki hohi kabahu° harinimdaka |
råju ki rahai niti binu jåne°, agha ki rahahi haricarita bakhåne° ||3||
påvana jasa ki punya binu hoi, binu agha ajasa ki påvai koi |
låbhu ki kichu hari bhagati samånå, jehi gåvahi sruti samta purånå ||4||
håni ki jaga ehi sama kichu bhåi, bhajia na råmahi nara tanu påi |
agha ki pisunatå sama kachu ånå,dharma ki dayå sarisa harijånå ||5||
ehi bidhi amiti juguti mana gunau° ,muni upadesa na sådara sunau° |
puni puni saguna paccha mai ropå, taba muni boleu bacana sakopå ||6||
muRha parama sikha deu° na månasi, uttara pratiuttara bahu ånasi |
satya bacana bisvåsa na karahi, båyasa iva sabahi te darahi ||7||
satha svapaccha tava hrdaya°bisålå, sapadi hohi pacchi camdålå |
linha sråpa mai sisa caRhåi, nahi kachu bhaya na dinatå åi ||8||
Sins Can't Persist When we Narrate the Exploits of Lord Rama
Can there be suffering if one wants the well-being of everyone? Can poverty reside with anyone who possesses the parasmani( philosopher's stone) any longer ? Can those revolting against others ever be fearless? Can the lustful ever be free from being stigmatise? Can one's family line survive on harming a Brahmana? Can one continue to do actions (with attachment) even after attaining Self-Realization (knowing the Svarupa)? Has anyone acquired wisdom in the company of the wicked? Can an adulterer ever attain salvation? (the supreme ending) Can those who very well know God fall into the cycle of birth and death? Can one who criticizes God ever be happy? What sort of a kingdom can stand without political wisdom? On narrating Lord Hari's exploits can sins persist? Can one be sacredly renowned without meritorious acts and can anyone be defamed without sinning? Can there be any other gain than the religious devotion of Lord Hari whose glories are sung by saints, the Vedas and Puranas?

Religious Devotion to Lord Rama
Can there be suffering if one wants everyone's well-being. Can poverty reside with anyone who possesses the parasmani( philosopher's stone) any longer ? Can those revolting against others ever be fearless? Can the lustful ever be free from being stigmatise? Can one's family line survive on harming a Brahmana? Can one continue to do actions (with attachment) even after attaining Self-Realization (knowing the Svarupa)? Has anyone acquired wisdom in the company of the wicked? Can an adulterer ever attain salvation? (the supreme ending) Can those who very well know God fall into the cycle of birth and death? Can one who criticizes God ever be happy? What sort of a kingdom can stand without political wisdom? On narrating Lord Hari's exploits can sins persist? Can one be sacredly renowned without meritorious acts and can anyone be defamed without sinning? Can there be any other gain than the religious devotion of Lord Hari whose glories are sung by saints, the Vedas and Puranas?
Garuda, the Mount of Lord Vishnu
O brother! Is there any loss in this world as grave as not worshipping Lord Rama? Is there any sin as bad as backbiting or any virtue as great as mercy. And O Garuda! In this way I dwelt upon countless arguments mentally, in my favour and did not listen to the sage's teaching with any reverence.
The Brahmana Curses the Sudra
Over and over again, I endorsed the Saguna form of worship (of an embodied Deity), till the sage uttered these angry words at last: O fool! You refuse to accept the supreme lesson which I have been giving you and present endless arguments (debates.) You do not believe in my authentically true words and, and have misgivings about everything like a crow O fool! There is immense adamance regarding your opinion in your heart, therefore, you shall instantly take the form of a crow (despicable among birds).I joyously bowed to the curse given by the sage and was neither alarmed nor humbled by the same.
turata bhayau° mai kåga taba puni muni pada siru nåi |
sumiri råma raghubamsa mani harasita caleu° uRåi ||112(A)||
umå je råma carana rata bigata kåma mada krodha |
nija prabhumaya dekhahi jagata kehi sana karahi birodha ||112(B)||
The Sudra Transforms into Kakbhushundi
That is when I was immediately transformed into a crow. Once again bowing my head at the sage's feet and, concentradely recollecting Lord Rama, the shiromani or jewel of the Raghus, I joyfully flew away. (Siva continues) O Uma! Those who love Lord Rama's feet and are devoid of lust, arrogance and anger, look upon the whole word as full of their Lord; then against whom can they harbour enmity?
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