mama cetasi sphuratu vallavi-vibhor -
mani-nupura-pranayi mashju shishjitam |
kalahamsa-kantha-kala-kujitadritam ||17||
mani-nupura-pranayi mashju shishjitam |
Simple Meaning:
May Krishna's Tinkling Anklets Pulsate in My Heart
May the melodious sound of bejewelled tinkling
anklets adorning the lotus feet of Krishna, which is more enchanting than the warbling of white swans
roaming in lotus forests of the Kalindi, manifest and pulsate in my
The Rasa-laden Commentary:
The Jewelled Anklets of Lord Krishna
While praying to Krishna's lotus feet adorned
with jewelled anklets in the previous shloka, ardently longing for love Shri Lilashuk says with extreme
humility-O Pranvallabh! (ruler of my heart) The very life of the beautiful
gopis! It does not matter If I do not have the good fortune of seeing
your lotus feet adorned with jewelled anklets. I will be so blessed and
contented if just the melodious sound of those jewelled anklets become
the ornament or shangar of my ears.
White Swans Swimming in the Yamuna
Ah! Ah! How is that charming sound of tinklets;
it showers nectar in our ears and makes even the extremely sweet warbling of white swans living in the lotus clusters of Kalindi, where Shri
Lakshmi Herself resides and
Shri Radha Dallies in Lotus Clusters of the Yamuna
Shri Radha dallies in that very forest abounding
with lotuses, appear inconsequential. Because these white swans repeatedly
and respectfully try to imitate the sound of these anklets-
A Devout Muni
they are
in fact devout munis roaming in the Yamuna. Resplendent on the branch
of Vrindavan's kalpataru, they take the vow of silence and hear the
charming flute play of dark-hued Krishna. Their warbling is not natural. It becomes even sweeter because they reside in waters
of the Yamuna-dally in the lotus forest-eat the stalks of lotuses-despite this, their sound is trivial when compared to the sound of jeweled
tinkling anklets of Krishna's feet residing in the nikunja.
Devotees Long for Krishna's Closeness
In the anguish of separation, the bhaktas and
sadhakas longing for the darshan of their Ishtdev, forever meditate
on Krishna's sacred feet-Ah! When will the wealth of our hearts Lord
Krishna come close to us with His tender feet. Absorbed in this bhava, just as Shri Lilashuka's eyes long to catch a glimpse of Krishna,
his ears become eagerly desirous to hear the melodious sound of
Krishna's tinkling anklets.
Lord Krishna's Lotus Feet Are The Focus of Dasya Bhakti
Even on being devotees of the madhur bhava
(having sweet love and total commitment for Krishna)the sadhakas of Vrindavan's madhur bhava are the supreme ideals
of dasya bhakt (When the devotee relates to God as a slave.)All the
bhavas are incorporaed in madhurya. When they ardently long to relish
the rasa of serving Krishna with the dasya bhava, Krishna's lotus feet
are the focus of their attention. In this love-struck state one experiences
the delight of the tinkling anklets.
A Lotus Forest
Well! How are the sacred feet whose anklets
tinkle with this sweet sound?Ah!Ah! Just think how tenderly charming
and beautifully refreshing are these frivolous feet. These auspicious lotus
feet plunder the fragrant sweetness of hundreds of lotuses.
Krishna's Lotus Feet Relieve the Anguish of Separation
subhagsheetal kamalkomal
agmataaranntarann, trividh jvalaharan-Once these lotus feet decide to foray into my heart there will be
an instant circulation of coolness, sweetness and charm in my heart
which is pained with the anguish of separation.
The gopis have said in the gopi geet
Love-struck Gopis
We are carefully keeping your sacred feet in
our heart but are apprehensive because this heart is extremely harsh whereas the softness of these feet is so very new.
(Shri Bindu ji Maharaj)
The gopikas have even said
shricharan vah ki jinke
smaran matra se,
sab pranat praniyon ke
maha agh talen |
padkamal vah hamare hriday
par dharo
kamna sab haro, ham yehi yachahteen ||
(Shri Bindu ji Maharaj)
Shri Radha-Krishna Dallying in the Nikunjas of Vrindavan
Steeped in the sakhi bhava Shri Lilashuka wishes
for the tinkling sound of anklets of the Yugal Sarkar, romantically
dallying in nikunjas, to be contained in His heart. Even if I am not
able to catch a glimpse of Shri Radha-Krishna's playful dalliance may the melodious sound of anklets,
sounding during their divine play, become the adornment of my
This sounding of anklets is not just pleasing
to the ears of sakhis but rather pleasing to the harmony of sounds. It is indeed the birthplance of harmonious sounds.
Shri Shri Haripriya ji says in the 'Mahavani'
suksham kalrav janya brahm
par, ved tantra ko mantra |
vrindavan 'shri haripriya'
nityavihar, svatantra ||
andhri, abaj aabhushan
rav kari, ketan kait lait avtaar ,
achal, achintya, agam gunn
aalay, akshar te akshar adhikaar ||
The Mystical Sylabble Om
Which means-the tinkling
ornaments of Shri Radha-Krishna dallying in nikunjas of the supreme dham
Shri Vrindavan which is beyond the prakrit and aprakrit
world, is the ringing sound of tantra. When this melodious sound comes
out of the nikunja it articulates the mystical syllable Om which is
the revealed Word identified with the Supreme Being. Kambeej is said
to produce the aprakrit dham. The birthplace of that Kaambeej is the
befitting melodious tinkling in the nikunjas. Therefore that is paramount
and the nitya vihar or constant dallying of 'Vrindavan Shri Haripriya'
is svatantra or independent.
1 comment:
May god bless us with the sound of nupurs of lord Krishna as Bilvamangal
ji praying for.In this shloka,pics are so nice & touching.Bhav of this
shloka is automatically represanted by its pictures.So very beautiful!!
Thank you!
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