hridaye mama hridya-vibhramanam
hridayam harsha-vishala-lola-netram |
tarunam vraja-bala-sundarinam
taralam kishcana dhama sannidhattam ||11||
Simple Meaning:
May Krishna's Youthful Lustre forever Gleam in My Heart
The Knower of the mysteries of blandishments and revelry of romantic dalliances impassioning the hearts of Braj gopis; whose pair of lotus eyes have become wide-open and fickle due to immense joy and ecstasy, may that youthful and remarkably capricious Lustre forever dally and gleam in my heart.
The Rasa-laden Commentary:
Krishna Duplicates Himself so that Each Gopi Feels He is Dancing with Her
Shri Lilashuk is a devotee of the sakhi bhava which means sweet and total commitment and love for Krishna. He is describing the beauteous form of Krishna and says that the romantic dalliance taking place with the gopis is confusing. When the state of mind is overwhelmed by the madhur rasa or sentiment of sweet romance, this delightful confusion surfaces. Lord Krishna is fickle (capricious) and with great dexterity He makes every gopi relish the pleasure of His proximity through the tempo of His dance- and that is the very doubt tugging at the gopis' heartstrings.
Shri Jayadeva has said in the 'Shri Gita Govinda'
shilashyati kamapi chumbati kamapi
kamapi ramyati ramam |
Jayadeva Glorifies Krishna as The Supreme Lover in 'Gita Govinda'
The One who is the basic cause of all loving tender mannerisms and sweet endeavours. Whose eyes are somewhat opening with joy on relishing the beautiful picture of His sweethearts gathered in clusters; and are becoming capricious on intently gazing at the religious rapture arising in the gopis' hearts. The One who is the support of Braj beauties, is supreme most in their lives, is an icon of youtfulness, who is getting drenched in amorous love; whose mind is becoming fickle and elated to heavily shower the rasa of love, may that very same marvellous Light forever reside in my heart.

The Shringara Rasa of Shri Radha-Krishna
The Knower of delicious anguish arising in the hearts of herdgirls, of their charming longings, the essence of *shringar rasa, an icon of shringara, who is identified as *Kamadeva, who is indeed *shringara rasa Himself. Whose pair of lotus eyes are becoming wide and flirtatious because of ecstasy, whose eyes are laden with an ardent longing by gazing at the enraptured Braj maidens coming from a distance, intoxication has made His eyes capricious. One does not know what sort of interpersonal romantic exchange took place in a mere second, that they became more and more fickle. An intense desire to savour rasa, has stirred them and made them insane. The charm of youthfulness, the exhilaration of divine adolescence is delicately dancing in every single limb of dark-hued Krishna. The very same youthful Priyatam is the supreme lover of the Braj maidens.

Lilashuk Prays to Lord Krishna to Reside in his Heart
Lilashuk, the eminent composer, is praying to such a unique lover to reside in his body, mind and soul, and taking delight become resplendent in the core of His heart.
Kamdeva: Particularly in the Gaudiya tradition, Krishna is identified as Kamadeva, and in Gaudiya Vaishnavism, Kamadeva is directly a part of Vasudeva. It is believed that because he was begotten by Krishna himself, his qualities were similar to those of Krishna, such as his colour, appearance and attributes.
*shringar rasa: the peak of human emotions which takes us to the very heart of the love of Radha-Krishna
*shringara rasa (the love of Shri Radha-Krishna which is emotionally evocative and serenely spiritual)
1 comment:
Really this intrepretation is very sab buddhi se pare ki cheez hai bhav ke bina nahin mil sakti.Shreeji hum par kripa karen ki humare hridaya mein bhi woh ras bhar dein.
Yachak (Beggar)
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