madhurya-varidhi-madambu-taranga-bhangi ,
amanda-hasa-lalitanana-candra-bimbam ,
ananda-samplavam anu plavatam mano me ||14||
Simple Meaning:
The Moonlike Face of Lord Krishna
May the tide of religious rapture rising in the ocean of sweetness drench
my heart forever and ever; in which the lovely moonlike face of Krishna
made charming by a mild smile is being reflected.Krishna has an extremely
cool youthful body. Shringara or the erotic sentiment and adornment
emanating from water waves rippling in this ocean of sweetness, alleviate
all kinds of sufferings.
The Rasa-laden Commentary:
Rising Tide in the Ocean of Madhurya
Shri Lilashuk is saying that Krishna is the infinite ocean of madhurya
or sweetness in which frenzied water waves ripple and it brims
with shringara rasa or the sentiment of sweet romance. Forever young,
Krishna bestows coolness, assuages worldly pain and is the icon of affectionate
youthfulness. The lovely moonlike face made charming by a slight smile
is reflected in that blue-hued ocean. The flood tide of ecstasy
is foaming forth in this massive ocean of madhurya in the same way as
the flood and ebb tides froth forth in the ocean on seeing full moon.
And the gush is so powerful that it sweeps away all surrounding objects in its sway. May it forever bathe my mind in the rush of religious
raputre in the same way...such is my ardent longing.
The Beautiful Adornment of Lord Krishna
What a beautiful scene has been showcased in this shloka.This
beauteous form! The infinite ocean of beauty and this blue-hued Youth
decked in so many enchanting ways and above all His
youtfulness ravages our hearts. This charming youthfulness is the peak
of shringara or adornment on its own accord; it is presented
with the clothing and adornments of a lovely youth and an array of decorative
embellishments. Not just outwardly decorations they are the
new waves of swelling emotions and rasa laden sentiments of shringara
rasa rising in its depths, which are decking Krishna, the icon of youthfulness
with a new shrangar or adornment every moment.
The Full Moon Looks Pale in Front of Krishna
And how is this moonlike face adorned with a slight smile, which makes even
the moon look pale in comparison and churns our hearts. Smiling faintly,
it scatters religious rapture, incites shringara rasa (the flavour
of sweet romance)in the hearts of loving devotees. Shri Lilashuk prays for this
lotus face of Krishna to circulate the bliss of love in his heart as well.
The Blue-hued Ocean of Madhurya, Lord Krishna
ananda-samplavam anu plavatam mano me: There are three gunas or qualities in the waters of Krishna,
the blue-hued ocean. Sweetness, intoxication and coolness. At first
it passionately draws a living being by its honeyed sweetness, then
it gives delicious anguish when one sips its intoxicating drink and
thereafter it assuages that burning pain by its coolness. Such is the
extraordinary threefold nectarous ocean of Shyam's madhurya. *Rasikas
forever dive into the triple confluence of these three constituents.
Usha Bahenji, a Great Saint of Vrindavan
Youthful Lord Krishna is the Wealth of Bilavmangal ji Maharaj
The Sidelong Glance of Krishna
A Slight Smile Plays on Krishna's Lips
Lord Krishna Dressed in Yellow & Wearing the Vanamala
Dear wake up and look at the frenzied fluttering
of the vanamala and the unrestrained flapping of the pitambar. All of a sudden, anklets start tinkling...listen to their melodious
sound...or have a look at these creeper like arms of Krishna trembling and listen
to the sweet sound of bracelets adorning His wrists tinkling
by their movement...
Steeped in the Ecstasy of Krishna Playing the Flute
Above all blue-hued Krishna played havoc with our hearts today
by placing the bamboo flute which is so very dear to Him, on His tender
lips. He honeyed the flute with His lotus hands and then drenched it
by the melodious sound of flute play, feeling the breath of love with
His lips. Ah! My heart wants to be constantly steeped in the religious
rapture of Krishna, the ocean of rasa.
rasikas: people moved by passionate religious
devotion to Krishna
1 comment:
Really you did a great work on this shloka by giving very beatiful pics of lord Krishna.They are really touching.Such a great & real picture of Pujya Boboji's feelings you intreprated so nicely.In this shloka,
very differently defined the three qualities of Sh. Krishna.Thank u so much.
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