Monday, May 5, 2008

Srimad Bhagavatam: Pearl 1

Devotees of Vrindavan are rasiks or folks moved by passionate religious devotion for Lord Krishna who resides in the ‘Srimad Bhagavatam’ Himself. Here we focus on spotting pearls of wisdom in the voluminous Holy Scripture, starting with the Xth canto.

Chapter 20, verse 8: Kaliyuga has many factions which are actually degrading as illustrated in the celebrated epic ‘Ramayana’ in its ‘Uttarkhand’ section. Even if one happens to be a Yogi or Saint he may get tarnished by vices if not fully devoted to the worship of Lord Krishna (verse14).

Thus in verse 34 Mahatma Shukdevji affirms that the Lord's devotion is essential for all the four ashrams comprised of Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vaanprastha and Sanyasa.

Chapter 21, verse 5: This is the most important verse of 'Bhagavatam', which transported Mahatma Shukdevji to the Vrindavana forests because his father, Vedvyasaji, wanted to impart the knowledge of the 'Srimad Bhagavatam' to him. The verse is barhapeedam natwarvapu karnaya ....geetkirti which means:

“Exhibiting (before their mental eyes) an exquisite form resembling that of an actor (on the stage ), adorned with a crest of peacock feathers, wearing karnikara blossoms on his ears, a wreath of flowers of five different hues and a golden cloth around his loins, and filling the holes of his flute with the nectar of his lips (as it were ), the Lord (they felt )entered Vrinadavana. Charming with his footprints found at every step and his glory being sung by herds of cowherd boys ". This scenario enchanted all beings and induced the gopis or cowherdesses to sing the famous Gopi-Geet in chapter 21.”

Chapter 22, verse 26: Lord Krishna himself vouches that once a person achieves the Lord, vices cannot tarnish his soul.

1 comment:

DearpsychiAtrist88 said...

Excellent work. It's a pleasure to read the same. Keep up the noble work that each one of you are doing. God Bless